• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes... The sleeping ones will soon awaken.... Let the truth roll on like a river as more of my brothers and sisters hear truth and apply it to their own understandings and then that light bulb just explodes!!!!

Only together jah.... For David will not stand alone..... Only together jah.... Will love and wisdom enter our homes..... No seperation jah.... For love father knows no name.... Only as one jah..... Can we all defeat their game....

Reggae beat reggae beat.... Grab up the babies and stomp your feet.... Dance with them the children dance.... Let all the babies dance..


Well-Known Member
In case any Islamic brothers peer at their brothers appearance here.
I love you with my breath, listen to what is being said and learn.
Your Mahdi has told.
There will be no separation and mercy and compassion to all things and all people must be given in order for you to get it in return on the Great Day of understanding that father has set aside... That hour soon upon us all.

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob whom is Mahdi for it is same man every time... All Muslim's before Quran or Muhammad was even given it by Gabriel...

What is Muslim?

A person that believes there is but one god one source one Allah one jahuwa one father of all and puts nothing with him.... Nothing..... And that you live a life based on better than 50% service to others instead of your pitiful self..... That is it.... A Muslim..... Not one thing more..

The tree must be set free in order for the next generation to be set free and nature to heal through cannabis growing absolutely everywhere it can grow freely even in school yards and through myco fungi.

This is a good place for a Muslim as you will learn much more about god here than in false hadith.... You should stick to Quran only and live by example only..

Like your worm tries to do by Grace and not one thing is good other than Allah... Even though by Grace we are capable.

Those here are your brothers and sisters and some by blood and yet they, are you ,know it not..

Peace only comes through final truth of all things on earth... Start until now..

Pray beautiful people of old Persia that have been lead astray like all men in religion have been, that your Mahdi whomever he may be and his brothers and sisters the elect ones that Enoch spoke of will keep faith and know god's purposes alone will be done and none of man's.
May those in position of teaching and entitlement heed the messages and warnings... However know... They rarely do..

Love and do no harm... That is best..

One love and Mahdi will not have kingship... Only jah.... Self governance


Well-Known Member
This was my friend Johnathan birthday also.
Whom is my friend I have not seen in a long time?

A gay man I lived next to for two years and I will share.

Johnathan use to watch me go through misery and yet still try and help others while also taken care of my family and I watched him a bit also and questioned father concerning the gay man.

My heart said just watch.

Johnathan also has a heart of gold and I seen it fast and a fiesty temper like a woman like is father of old ooops.

One day Johnathan sees me outside just in pure misery and he gets tears in his eyes and comes and sits with me.

He says, john your in so much pain.

All I could do is just sit there and nod.

He fires up a bowl and another and another and says I'm not leaving until your pain is gone.

Thanks my brother.

One day he comes up and says... John am I going to hell for being gay even though I feel I have been gay my whole entire life, like a vagina never did it for me and how can I help that!?

I laughed.

I said Johnathan you know there is punishment but not a hell like we have been taught..

For one do you love... Yes.... Do you harm... No.... Have you not been there even for me when nobody else gave two cents worth? ....well I made you but ya I love you and couldn't stand to see you in pain.

Then your just fine Johnathan.

However some of these guys you date are not OK and why you kick them to the curb.

He asked, why you think that is?

I said, Johnathan they are not really gay... They just kinda thought they could choose it and that is immoral.

He looks at me.... Gets a bit red in the face and says... Go ahead and continue rev.

I said Johnathan you knew you where gay even in diapers you said... Yes that is correct.

Well... Your gay.... These boys... got mental illness.

He looks at me and I said Johnathan they can give physical pleasure and physical time boy but they will..... And before I could even finish he finishes for me.... They will not understand me emotional.


If I would have offended Johnathan he would of had zero problems letting me know lol... He got it.

I said Johnathan, if I was gay and really felt I was and wanted to live for god and service to others, I would find one partner just like hetero and find one that like you knew from toddlers you are gay and live a happy and moral life with him Johnathan.

Do you really think all the gay promotion stuff should really be going on?

He smiled and said, honestly john, no.

As a man and person I always knew I had rights and no it is kinda rediculous actually.

After that... My brother for life.

He asked one time.

John could you live in a neighborhood full of moral gays and him just a laughing.

I said Johnathan much better than I could in a neighborhood full of religious bigots... Lol

Happy birthday to Johnathan and one love


Well-Known Member
You seem to reject most conventional religions, so I gotta give it to you for that. I am done with them myself. I use the cannabis as a form of sacrament as much as anything now. No wonder most religions hate pot, it is their competition imo. I am currently 'searching' in terms of life purpose or afterlife being real or just what it is. You appear to have locked down your beliefs and all.

I think 90% of stoners are not experiencing spiritual insights, just a buzz to distance themselves from their feelings. I could say the same of most organized religion folks, or that is what I see from my perspective. Their strains of choice are not usually the sativas with mind opening characteristics. I have done plenty of that myself and a good indica or hybrid is not a sin or anything, we all need a break from things now and then.

On the pairing of plants with you cannabis, do you need the paired plant in the same container as the cannabis plant? I wonder as calliandra alluded to fungi in the soil doing something, so not just pollen flying? It would seem to be the better option? Never tried it and space is limited in my 2' x 2' tent hehe.


Well-Known Member
Yes indeed same container.

People will also learn to be true breeders of this tree when these truths known again.

Fruits, berries, herbs, cactus, bamboo, evergreen, pine... List goes on.

However take for instance bamboo takes 30 years to throw some pollen like many Cactus like giant saguaro.

Nature perfected this over long periods and the lack knowledge has destroyed much.

That is why I always recommend that fruits and berries and herbs make better projects as you can buy them mature and not wait as long.

Try bringing a pair of giant saguaro indoors not recommended... Lol


Well-Known Member
Some truths are known yessum however life itself is never nailed down as it always spirals but there is a method to god's wisdom it just cannot be found in a lab... Only through humility and the heart.

I'm not there yet and no man knows all.

When I am there... The rest of you will be there also..

I do think I have this last recipe for organic cookies nailed however lol I can't seem to put them down and turn off steely Dan and go to bed.

I cook like a women.

Johnathan use to say... You sure your not just a little gay john? Lol

ID laugh and say now Johnathan you know better than most my feminine side but I don't cross swords and he'd say you think that's what we do just a laughing and I would say john its neither of our business what is behind the doors and we all do and we would just poke fun and joke.

One of the best neighbors I've had and god taught us both some things I do believe.


Well-Known Member
Well it looks like me and old hybrid Bob has a plan... Oh forbid lol.

I will get Bob by first week of August the Bigg blue Dogg seeds and mastiff and big Thelma and a special blueberry X white widow.

Those will be moms and we can use a Bigg blue Dogg male to pollinate each time to start making seeds of those fire next probably couple years.

To of course have some for others.

Those four strains will be a hoot and Bob was talking again of the insane prototype of Bigg blue Dogg he grew.

So it will be, bigg blue Dogg and mastiff and Big Thelma and the special blueberry x white widow with Bigg blue Dogg will make the blues man. Lol those will be the strains Bob will be seeding lord willing so others can enjoy also when the time comes.

While old rev lord willing will probably for the next year still be seeding pures and hybrids and then it will be time for me to finally set up moms and do the same as Bob and seed probably the four new kush and a pure Acapulco with Acapulco male for a year or two and get those ready as they will be fantastic.

See lol when I started doing this I seen why they charge us.

It's work, if your taking that time to really select it is true work and time consuming.

That's why most breeders do not have a strain list of 50 of their own strains kind of thing as you grow older fast doing this.

If rev had room I've learned techniques that could mass produce the heck out of seeds and get plenty of bud to boot.

Gods plan not revs.

Good night lol... One love


Well-Known Member
Ah there is no coincidence Rev, that we should meet just now :)

You speak of things in there that I am grappling very much with these days.
The essence of who we are, behind all the person-part of us, that is creating our experience. The spirals of energies, weaving out and in, creating the textures of existence, of our very beings. So boundless to feel, but so amazingly difficult, I am finding, to integrate into the limitations of our physical existence.
That, I believe, is the seed of all spirituality and religion, to become whole again, to remember who is really in the driver's seat and take that responsibility so fully that we are no longer confused by perceived limitations of our human experience.
lol I'm very confused at the moment.
Just having returned from a deep dive into the one-ness, I couldn't separate out all the parts again in time and ended up losing a friend over it, and what is worse, my confusion harmed him too..

I find it so easy to forgive others! why then is it so hard to do the same for ourselves?


Well-Known Member
On a more worldly note, regarding the transfer of genetic information to cannabis.

It does make me wonder whether the same could be achieved just by feeding the plant fresh plant material from the plant whose characteristics we want to transfer.

Strawberries I do think would make a good undercrop, as they are also shade tolerant (something to consider when underplanting indoors, what happens to the cover crop when the cannabis plant has bushed up, or was scrogged out?)

But imagine a pineapple haha
in yesum's tent lol
that just doesn't work.
But one could get a good organic pineapple perhaps, chop it up with water in the blender and water the cannabis plant with that :)

I am actually already doing this, but more generally, in veg, more sproutsey, actively growing kind of stuff, then in flower - flowers (not hard to get, is it? :mrgreen: like with like), towards the end fruit, to support the buds fattening up. And next to the occasional comfrey leaf, especially in the transition from veg to flower, of course any foliage that gets taken off the plant itself gets blended and watered right back in too.
I like the feel of it! And I've seen how the plants love it too.

So maybe that could also be a way of getting the genetic information into the plant's system too :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The watering of material will not however it sweetens the Bud like when I use sugar.

Yes life spirals as all things do.

The spirals drawn as petroglyph in caves out here in the mountains tell a story.

Few understand this story.

99.9% do not.

They where telling us something and rev found out what.

In the end, all that matters is love and do no harm.

Those whom do the opposite will soon be.... Harvested... As was promised and they will be for their hour is upon them.

If not for gods mercy and me wanting to change years ago... My hour would soon be upon me.

I tell people, the wisdom is rarely accepted and in time you finally learn to hush as most are comfortable and want to stay that way.

All things will be argued by people... It's just in the nature.

One thing cannot be argued... Love and do no harm... If your a decent person this cannot be debated and in the end all left here will know truth and have peace and give it to others.

If your a violent and vile hunk of shit.... You will have your reward soon... The old man dying will live to see your reward come.

That is why the watchman and watch women have been up and down at night since the spiral of Dec 2009 that your leaders lied about what it was.

The Indian drawed what makes those spirals and one of the biggest secrets they do not want you to know.

Man's wisdom is puke as mine was.

Only true wisdom that comes from god can set a smart ass free of themselves.

One love


Well-Known Member

I can certainly appreciate your passion, but you need to explain to me in scientific terms how disparate species of plants can cross pollinate.

Why don't we have pine tree tomatoes or tobacco corn?

Absurd, yes. But no different than your assertions.....

Also, is it my imagination, or are you mixing and matching Muslim and rastsfari religions? I'm no expert, but I didn't think that Muslims worship Jah.
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Well-Known Member
I do not explain in scientific terms.
I give it as is.
What I am sharing use to be common knowledge... It is not anymore.. Period.

People want science... Good... Turn to it.

There is good science.

Most is horse shit.

Just like believing this tree and herb.

It is a devolved fruit like all on earth are devolved.

Evolution is one of the biggest lies and it is meant to hide what truly causes evolution.

This tree pollinates and takes on the characteristics of other things around it... Period.

I do not need one sentence of horse shit science to tell me otherwise.

The Islamic Mahdi is here to clear up all religion and so they all know the truth and what links them and why all by their own accords should return to being true Muslim as the fathers of old.

Only the son of Muhammad whomever he may be has been given the wisdom of evolution and other things.

He is no better than his brothers that son of Jesse.

And I will take this no further with you.

Life is choice... All can believe.... Or not.... That simple..
Good day


Well-Known Member
What if I have a Tom cat and he jizzes on the plant. That is sure to transfer DNA, right?

Fuck me. You guys need to take a remedial botany class
There is actually a scientific basis for what I was writing about.
And no I don't think different species actually crosspollinate, but I'm pretty sure they can integrate alien DNA via endocytosis and innercell processing.

The Francés, Hugo Schanderl, Hans-Peter Rusch studied soil specifically. Lynn Margulis Gaia theory leans on the principle of remutation and endocytosis. It is a recognized concept that mitochondria were (or are they still?) independent organisms, they have their own DNA. And as microbial species are identified and studied, all these interesting details are emerging that support these theories.

There are different approaches to gaining knowledge. Science is sometimes very very wrong, because it is just used as an instrument for furthering a set of interests. Intuition can also lead to wrong assumptions, so often it speaks in pictures or feelings that are then interpreted by our limited conscious selves. So yeah, I'd say there is a margin of error both ways, the trick is knowing how to handle them, which again is different for both :)

And if you can't understand that, you're gonna have a really hard time on this thread :razz:
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Well-Known Member
Rev. is free form, give him room to move and groove baby! I think Rev. is just saying there is a transfer of genetic characteristics in some unknown way, you just go with it and worry about the technical details later.

This is not the first time I have heard of this phenomena of cannabis grown next to tea plants, having a tea like taste to the smoke. Kerala for that one. Others out there too. I have no opinion but do not discount stuff because it does not fit into some book.