Purple Reign


Well-Known Member
Works for me.

So I started a new grow after the root aphid mess was all cleaned up.
They are starting to veg up a bit faster now that they have established in pots.


Yesterday and today pictures.
I did my culling yesterday and out of the keeps 5 showed purple early at node 3.
So I guess about one more week of veg under the big top and I will flip them.

Love this weather - even with heat on have room holding steady at 79* F with no AC unit in.
I finally got the rest of my bloom room dialed in since the changeover.
1600 watts (1000 MH & 600 plus watts of CFL's) in 4' x 5' room at 79* F without air means I am set for Summer once I install AC.

Was talking with H & C guy about mounting AC indoors with lung room and he said it will work well on a closed loop like I'm going to run it.
He explained that when it's 90* F outside my AC will be using 65 - 75 * F air from the basement to cool the AC condenser.
Therefore it will run much more efficient, and if the heat it exhales becomes a problem I can pipe that outside without smells, etc.

So - I got rid of the bugs.
My room is working as good as it has in over a year.
And I'm almost ready to flip.
3 of my plants are Fat Stomper-13 which is Purple Marty male X Grape-13 female.
3 are Purple Marty which is PT-13 male X Fat Marty female.
2 are the original Grape Stomper seeds from the way back machine.
1 is a Kid Rock showing purple and one is a Fat Purple showing green.

I got some images from 10 days or so ago showing the purple tints:
I will put them up here later so you know what to look for if hunting purple phenotypes.


Well-Known Member
Looking good buddy! Thanks for those seeds too as I got them this weekend. I have cuts of the fat purple in the cloner so it will be a couple weeks and I'll have a clone for you. I recently switched over to hydro style cloner and just got it dialed in and figured out. The first batch of clones turned all yellow before growing roots so they got tossed.


Well-Known Member
Well when I looked through my pictures I only got one good shot of the little ones showing purple:


You can see the color real good here - this is typical - it goes away after this usually until bloom cycle.

I took shots of each plant yesterday:

Fat Purple 1 followed by Fat Stomper-13 1, 2, & 3.

Grape Stomper 1 & 2 followed by Kid Rock 1 and unlabeled 1.

Purple Marty 1, 2, & 3 followed by The Purple Gang 1.

I will probably do further culling after sexing; but for now I am sticking with this lot.


New Member
Pulling up a chair myself .. Looking forward to the genome of color here .
I have some of Kak's Purple Eve ( Black Jack x PlushBerry ) growing and will be switching them in a month or so ..

Looking good here and I think I will make some potcorn for the show !