Purple Stems?


Active Member
any gardening store will have seaweed or just a water soluble potassium product just ask someone there, if you still have trouble just go to discounthydro.com and order it

and about the spots on the leaves, looks to me like gnats but it is unusual that they have already made it to ur soil at such an early time. it really could be anything tho, that is a pretty shitty picture. If it were my plant i would throw it out, if its only got 1 leaf set and already getting attacked then its probly gonn die.


New Member
wow im glad to see my thread grabbed some attetion when i was away lol i think its cold temp ive recently added a ac/dehumid and ive been running the ac and dehumdifier lately :)


Active Member
wow im glad to see my thread grabbed some attetion when i was away lol i think its cold temp ive recently added a ac/dehumid and ive been running the ac and dehumdifier lately :)
I still think it is your potassium, and doesnt ur dehum create heat


Active Member
well i checked my buddys today and the 2 that looked unhealthy are alot worse. the spots are now light brown MUCH bigger and very very very dry, one of the leaf tips broke off, the embriotic leafs are really dry and brown, but the couple little leafs of new growth seem to look normal. i put one of em ina new pot with new sterilized soil and left an open beer in the room jus incase it is gnats. the other plant i have next to those is healthy besides the undergrowth


right away, its definitely overwateredman :( in that stage you should water once about every 2 days or so. if the top is crusty, then wait another day to water. then go for it
i just took this pic, is a ghetto camera. the bloches are darker brow/purple then they look in pics

any advice??? thanks :)


New Member
tactownrider we have a city call tacoma in washington and we call it tac town just wondering... and yes the dehumidifier does run and make it hot butt thats y i push a button to turn the ac on and bring the temp back down and try and keep the humidity lower then 60


New Member
what type strains you working with i picked up some smelly ww from this guy out by purdy hoping to switch my whole crop to it


Active Member
lemon haze and a random seed i found in sum real gud stuff, thats the mutant plant haha but i get the seeds from a caregiver i know in montana


Active Member
soil, this is my first grow thats all me, iv been around grow rooms my whole life but i figured i shud get a couple crops under my belf befor i go hydro


New Member
i hear ya i grow in soil its more forgiving :) ive grown in a aeroflo and a dwc system before its alot of work everyday... with soil i can manage a 90 plant garden twice a week instead of being around 7 days a week to check ph water temp blah blah blah...


Active Member
yea, damn that wud keep ya busy all day lol im kinda tha hermit crab type so taking care of it wouldnt b a huge deal but i wud rather jus stick to something i know for a while befor i try to setup a hydro system haha


Active Member

just took these pics today, there still under grown but they seem to b healthier. anybody think they know wut could help let me know
i got a new light setup yesterday with 6 100 watt 6500k cfls and 3 100 watt 2700k cfls