Put Down The Geisha......


Well-Known Member
Here's an Old Story I would Like 2 Share that Deals with Guilt, Anger, and Painful Experiences:

Zen Monks in training at a monastery are not supposed to have any contact whatsoever with women. In fact, thay are not even allowed to speak to them. One morning just before sunrise, a young monk and an old monk were on their way back to the monastery from the local village. Just after sunrise they came to a small stream. Standing by the stream was a beautiful geisha dressed in a bright red silken kimono. She was afraid of ruining her kimono in an attempt to ford the stream and did not know what to do.

Noticing her dilemma, the old monk spoke to her for a few moments, then lifted her up and carried her across the stream. He gently placed her on the other side. The 2 monks then continued their journey to the monastery. They walked all day without a single word passing between them. Finally, just after sunset, they reached the monastery gate. The young monk could not keep silent any longer and, turning to the old monk, said, "How could YOU?

"How could I what?" replied the old monk.
"You know that we are not allowed to have anything to do with women while we are in training," said the young monk. "HOw could you pick that woman up this morning and carry her across the stream?"
Smiling, the old monk remonstrated, "HOw could YOU!

"How could I what?" answered the puzzled young monk.

"This morning, at sunrise, I picked the geisha up, carried her across the stream, and then I put her down. YOu have been carrying her all morning, all afternoon, and into the evening. When are you going to put her down?"


Well-Known Member
It is the nature of the naive, to unknowingly collect and carry some of life's negative experiences to the point where they become ponderously burdensome.. Often, these negative experiences interfere with one's ability to enjoy life and they can actually drive us like sheep recklessly down the narrow, dark, and serpintine road toward various stages of depression.

HOW many Geisha's do you carry? How often have these geishas of yours interfered with your enjoyment of Life?

The beginning of "putting down the geisha" is to understand that all your life experiences are teachers. That's Right! Even your seemingly most negative life experiences are teachers. In Fact, more often that not, they turn out to be the very best teachers and are not to be avoided. They Broaden You and Teach U, if you are attentive, the truth about the nature of your self and its relationship to the very matrix of Existence. So instead of fruitlessly fighting these experiences or running from them, one must learn to accept them. When accepted and properly understood, a person will find that all of his "geishas" will gradually disappear, leaving him unburdened, tranquil, and happy!


Well-Known Member
I still have a few, well alot of Geishas I'm carrying, cause I like to get my FrEAK ON :hump:, Ha, Ha .......

HOpe Ya'll enjoyed the Story :peace:zzzurrrp


Well-Known Member
here is a story for you. My step mother passed away in the livingroom in her hospital bed. she died from cancer. And wished to be at home. I would never deny anyone their wish but, she chose to die at home. 2 years after I still feel bad because I could not save her, I did CPR with no luck, and was told that I shouldn't have even tried. I was mad for a long while with no reason for being angry and could not understand why. I am better now but still angry...


Active Member
anybody else?......
Don't be mad about cpr. It rarely actually works, you should be consoled by the fact that you tried. If you did nothing, then I could understand the guilt, but in this case I see no reason for being guilty.


Well-Known Member
here is a story for you. My step mother passed away in the livingroom in her hospital bed. she died from cancer. And wished to be at home. I would never deny anyone their wish but, she chose to die at home. 2 years after I still feel bad because I could not save her, I did CPR with no luck, and was told that I shouldn't have even tried. I was mad for a long while with no reason for being angry and could not understand why. I am better now but still angry...
Man, some geisha's can be a little Overweight 2,

So Much I would like 2 say to you, but, I want to share and leave this with you......

Your Step Mother Loved You Very Much,

and She WAs Happy that You stayed by Her Side, it Was the Greatest Affection of Love you could've Ever Shown Her.....,

Now, I say 2 You, that Anger which still lingers within you, It is simply the Love that she wants you to stop selfishly holding on 2 and Share, then let yourself be Free.....

I lost my Grandma to Lung Cancer, after a lifetime of Smoking Cigarettes, not too long ago. A strong Woman all The Way, but the Cancer was just 2 much,

Sometimes Seemingly there is nothing you Can do, and the Past, although Gone, seem to Always be the Culprit of Our Pain, Letting Go of the Past Doesn't Mean to Forget, It just means you Have to let Go, so You Can Reach Towards Tomorrow, and Let The Past speak to all Through your Presence Today.,

Thx for Sharing Bro, You Never have to Carry Her By Yourself :peace: