Putting Weed In Your Belly button gets you high? wtf

Placebo effect at best.

There is no science behind what you're doing. In order for weed to get you high THCA has to be converted to THC, which your belly button isn't hot enough to do.

Nor is your belly button connected to any active pathways through your blood stream, where THC goes when we smoke, or your digestive system where THC goes when you eat a pot-laced treat.
These guys beg to differ
did you wash your leaves? That sound like a sanitary issue.:spew:

Prolly cuz you aren't supposed to drink taht much green juices at once if you're not used to it. Ppl are used to eating all sorts of shit, so when u get some real medicine it fucks you up. Lets you know your body is out of wack
lol, ok then.

Had to take the leaf out. The euphoria is putting me to sleep and I can't work like this. Haven't smoked weed or taken any meds/ drugs today.

Hope it wears off >_<

Hopefully someone else tries it and has similar experience.
Prolly cuz you aren't supposed to drink taht much green juices at once if you're not used to it. Ppl are used to eating all sorts of shit, so when u get some real medicine it fucks you up. Lets you know your body is out of wack
hhmmmmm maybe. OR that he didn't wash everything right. Who knowso_O