Qleaner Freak of Nature 4, 5, 7 leaf sets per node


Well-Known Member
Hey Subcool check this out.

It's hard to tell what's going on in these pics, but it started as a double sprout.
The 1st node has 4 leaves (though 2 are joined together).
The 2nd node has 4 leaves (though at this point it's starting to alternate).
The 3rd node has 5 leaves,
and the 4th node looks like it'll have 7 leaves. Check out the crazy stem too.

I'm wondering if it's actually a siamese twin, because of the width of that stem and alternating nodes, cus my other plants of the same age are at their 6th/7th node now and this is only at it's 4th but is about the same size overall.

... what should I do? Does it need to be a male/female to have any breeding purpose? Is it possible to make this mutation dominant?
I'll try and give the dwarf sprout more light and see if it'll catch up, then i'll have one hell of a monster plant. haha

Anyone seen something like this before?



you can see how the stem tried to top and split but fused together that happened with a nycd02 x chronic pre2000 hybrid I breed and it would happen about 10 out of 100 seeds and their was 2 phenos (of the mutants) one tall and spindly now the other was only bout 18-24 in tall but avg yeild was 4oz imagine this did you ever see the 3ltr soda bottles by check and royal crown soda comp. that was the basic bud wet at finish and probably closer to a 1ltr when dry i lost the pics and the strain when i moved in 05' but the thing I remember the best was the Taste like sweet red grapefruit on the inhale and cherry jolly rancher on the exhale after taste... so you never know till you give it a try some people claim those and others like the tri foliates are a waste of time and grow space, but some times freakes are somethin special.

Happy Leaf

Well-Known Member
Jacks Cleaner is known to pass on some odd mutating traits, but your plant just could turn out to be something special, or not. It could even be the ever elusive banana tasting pheno? idk :hump: :weed:


Well-Known Member
ahah you guys should see the stem now, it flattened out even more... kinda reminds me of strawberry belts. I'll post an update pic in a few days.


Well-Known Member
dam.. this thing doubled in size since last week. Still in veg.. I'm gonna veg it until summer next year muahaha! Gotta take some clones and check if it's female though