Just remember my friend, no man is an island, and accomplishments big and small require the hands of many.
I know we don't see eye to eye on things, but I do think our best times are in the future. I share conflicting opinions personally on the direction we've taken in many things, but I can hope and work towards a better tomorrow. I don't even have kids, nor do I ever want them. Yet it reminds me of the saying when camping, always leave the place better than you found it. I hope any contributions I can make can leave the world a better place for future and current generations to continue to build off of.
There will always be conflicts, and problems in society, but I think we can have vigorous debate and recognize we share a common history, values and the desire to be a great country. Perhaps I'm over optimistic, but I feel it's better than the alternative.
^ One of your best posts in this thread, TY.

I'd have written something very similar, with the same optimism, just a few years ago.
And while you and I may share 'common history, values, and the desire to be a great country', I don't think that's true any longer to a vast segment of homeland dwellers. The population even among native born Americans is severely divided in many directions, and the animosity towards one another is greater than it's ever been. Large segments of immigrants have no 'common history and values' with Americans, and have no desire to assimilate into our once 'great country'. Many have agendas and plans to do harm - you know this is true.
By all means keep your optimism and good vibes. I do. My assessment to the precarious position we're in requires me to dust off the old cliche' -' he who fails to plan, plans to fail'; that's always my MO. I've prepared for blizzards and hurricanes that were predicted by experts but never happened, and I was none the worse off. On the other hand, many disaster victims and casualties come from the 'did not plan' group when they were given warnings. If a flood of former Obama cabinet members are going on TV daily to sound a general alarm to the population - and they are - I think folks should at least take time to ask why.
I consider several people friends on RIU, you among them. That's pretty cool, doncha think? I honestly don't know many people that can have passionate disagreements and still remain friends, so good for us.
But what I'd like to get across, and hope I have, to my RIU amigos, is that a lot of good folks believe that a lot of good folks are going to go through some very disturbing times, right here in the good 'ol USA. I'm one of those, and not by choice. I wouldn't consider myself much of a friend to you and others, if I didn't urge folks to take their own assessments, then determine their course of action, or inaction. It's never been about winning an argument.