question about day length and re-veggin

just wait until june and july, they will def. reveg
what do you know about it? I am not trying to be hostile but I do not think you know anything about JUNE or JULY dude!
From what I have read it is a 17 hour day that will make that happen. There are a few exceptions to the rule like an F-1 Mediterranean species. And I will know soon enough when JUNE gets here in 3 weeks when I prepare the other girls for flushing. People who add info on a Forum should not go with some half baked idea or thought and say Yeah Def---Dude! Like the guy in here who says I have been doing "this" for a while and if you read his posts he did not know what dirt to use a month ago.
This post is for facts and not questions or stupid one liner posts about shit you know nothing of. I bet you have your light switches painted so you cannot see if they are getting power or not. Another myth of re-vegging or flower interruptions. These girls that I am flushing at 8 weeks are right on time even with the 4 ---100 watt flood lights that get clicked on every so often as they get flicked on and not noticed at night when partying. Still flowered and not a hermie (any expert morons want to chime in on that?)
As mentioned prior this experiment is about done for the day lengthening from 12/12 to what is now 10/14 going on 9.5/14.5
There are two others on week 6 which will be in full flower in June at a 9.5/14.5 schedule and we shall see and it will be noted as a fact about re-vegging or not.
you are questioning something that is completely obvious to people who have been growing for years, saying that it is a theory.

i know the days are longer in june and july. your the one being hostile. enjoy wasting your time.

there is no 17 hour day in nature
what do you know about it? I am not trying to be hostile but I do not think you know anything about JUNE or JULY dude!
From what I have read it is a 17 hour day that will make that happen. There are a few exceptions to the rule like an F-1 Mediterranean species. And I will know soon enough when JUNE gets here in 3 weeks when I prepare the other girls for flushing. People who add info on a Forum should not go with some half baked idea or thought and say Yeah Def---Dude! Like the guy in here who says I have been doing "this" for a while and if you read his posts he did not know what dirt to use a month ago.
This post is for facts and not questions or stupid one liner posts about shit you know nothing of. I bet you have your light switches painted so you cannot see if they are getting power or not. Another myth of re-vegging or flower interruptions. These girls that I am flushing at 8 weeks are right on time even with the 4 ---100 watt flood lights that get clicked on every so often as they get flicked on and not noticed at night when partying. Still flowered and not a hermie (any expert morons want to chime in on that?)
As mentioned prior this experiment is about done for the day lengthening from 12/12 to what is now 10/14 going on 9.5/14.5
There are two others on week 6 which will be in full flower in June at a 9.5/14.5 schedule and we shall see and it will be noted as a fact about re-vegging or not.

When you get some experience, you'll realize how little you know now.

I have pix of about twenty different plants in various stages of revegging.

The last, a Trainwreck mother was harvested Thursday, and because that strain is touchy, I'll run a large CFL into the evening until the end of July to stabilize the day length at about 16 hours.

Enjoy your hostility.
When you get some experience, you'll realize how little you know now.

I have pix of about twenty different plants in various stages of revegging.

The last, a Trainwreck mother was harvested Thursday, and because that strain is touchy, I'll run a large CFL into the evening until the end of July to stabilize the day length at about 16 hours.

Enjoy your hostility.
The Moron chimes in---I am not trying to re-veg I am saying it will not until it reaches at least 17 hours if it has flowered, Once again people like you make me not even want to share an experiment as you try to hop in here and act like you know what you are talking about
Besides who was talking to you?
17 hours days thats funny livin on the equator. Seriously though some plants do reveg outdoors know that for a fact brother on the other hand some go straight through flowering just depends on strain and alot of other variables. Sativas or more likely to reveg than some indicas and the ones that reveg are monsters. As for the light at night when smoking i have seen that to bro and it beats me one guy had a thread where his neighbor had a flood light and it made his buds real airy and lanky but never hurt any i have seen. Good job on the grow though hope it is some killer.
The Moron chimes in---I am not trying to re-veg I am saying it will not until it reaches at least 17 hours if it has flowered, Once again people like you make me not even want to share an experiment as you try to hop in here and act like you know what you are talking about
Besides who was talking to you?

An experiment is something you do to learn things.

You seem to be assuming the results before you see them. Lousy technique.

If three decades and many hundreds of plants makes me a moron, so be it.

You responded to something I said, on another thread, dip shit.

you don't know anything, and won't learn anything until you realize you are clueless.

Read my grow show and LEARN, YFI.

A few pix of plants revegging after mature buds were harvested, under less than fourteen hours.
cali, i think this is a good test of sorts. but i harvested a plant from 12/12, then placed it outside in middle of April. ever since then it has begun to reveg. i did totally remove the roots and clipped the ends of the roots, like cutting dead ends off our hair. light hasnt even got to 14 hours a day yet. so i think it is all variable. i wish your results would be the same for everyone, but they may be just that, your results and yours alone. i do think this was a good read. i have one now on like 10-11 weeks since sex was show, in a cabinet, and now she has started to foxtail, and other growth seems to be taking off, but i never changed the light schedule. i think minor and major adjustements in light schedule effect grow cycles equally. i sure wish MJ was a perennial , would make things so much more interesting.
I wish people would read before they chime in---speaking to those who did not read of course. Ignorance and poverty are the two things I cannot help veggiegardener you sir have shown your true IQ. I think you did not understand the post as you do come across as a moron BTW.... This is a test to see if under regular conditions if a female will re-veg when she hits a 14 hour day hence the tags of going outside to finish flowering. People like you veggie make the day longer as we have to back track after you shoot your mouth off about a subject you know not much about. I sir am not the one acting like a no it all contrary I am always one to look it up then make it up. You on the other hand skim over a topic and think you are vested in the subject. Where were all you smart asses when I proposed this question months ago and I got 56-80 looks but no comments? Now I am in the 8th week and fluching and here comes a moron like yourself talking about stabelizing with 16 hour light? WTF? get out of your star wars pajamas and read a complete thread or a book like I have... Called MMGB by J. Cervantes. Your pics of your girls are crap veggie this is my 2nd grow and I already have surpassed your measly craft or attemt at it.
cali im not criticizing, a lot depends on how much direct sunlight the plants are getting everyday.
Direct sunlight is very important I agree----but if she is getting lets say 4000 lumen all over and it is a covered patio she is using all the light needed inspite of no direct rays. Now if she is in area where the shade or shadows put her at about 800 lumen then you have a simulated dusk but not a night. If you measure the Lumen on a full moon that is about as bright it can be before she starts to photosynthesis besides IF the Moon could blast 4000 lumen at night but it would have to do it 3 consecutive days or nights to achieve an upset in cycle.
17 hours days thats funny livin on the equator. Seriously though some plants do reveg outdoors know that for a fact brother on the other hand some go straight through flowering just depends on strain and alot of other variables. Sativas or more likely to reveg than some indicas and the ones that reveg are monsters. As for the light at night when smoking i have seen that to bro and it beats me one guy had a thread where his neighbor had a flood light and it made his buds real airy and lanky but never hurt any i have seen. Good job on the grow though hope it is some killer.
the equator I believe simulates a more even day and night like a 12/12 or 11/13 I think you may be think like Alaska---Yes I did delve into that subject of strains and F-1's etc... I agree But here is the Thread------will a plant reveg if the day gets longer? If you want more details about the question see the beginning of the Thread. I always go to the beginning of a thread before I chime in so I can actually stay on point unlike some morons like Veggie who assumed I was trying to reveg (as if I would waste my time Truly a F. I)
I have read a plant can go back into vegging mode if the light is increased? True or False?

I have an inside vegging that I blacked out for 36 hours and then tossed em outside. So cal weather. She is flowering fine, yet I was thinking today if it is possible that she will go back to vegging. I mean the Sun is giving spring rays and the day is increasing a few minutes a day and so on.
I also read that some growers in Canada Black em out 36 hour and then out them back on 24 hour and get em ripe quicker.
Seems like a contradiction---any experience on this? My resource is the Medical Growers Bible yet I seem to have overlooked or cannot find this bit of info so I gotta ask.
I even have some new clones that were in veg mode clipped of this same girl before black out--- like about 10 days before and the Clone rooted fine within 12 days and appears as though it is flowering? Been under 27/7 45 watt tri color bubbler. (tri color+ 2700 3500 6500 color 15 watt a piece) for my bubbler. I did although feed them after I saw roots appear with a foliar spray of Hawaiian Bud and Bloom as it is rich in P&K and Low in N as N is no good for rooting.
Recap: budding with 24 hour light (got pics or can take one)
Budding or flowering while the light increases moments per day with Spring light because it is Spring here. Used a 36 hour black out to promote Flowering.

Rep and regards adn thanks in advance!

I've read this post several times and am apparently confused about what you are trying to do.

In the Central Valley, a plant that is blooming in April will(about 90% of the time in my experience) begin to reveg as early as mid April, while some will go into May before getting serious.

I rely on this fact to allow me to sex and pollinate plants for a Spring seed crop.

Are you trying prove your plants won't reveg as the days grow longer?

Please reread:

"I have read a plant can go back into vegging mode if the light is increased? True or False?"

Do you remember that question?

Believe me, YFI, communications is not your strong suit.
I read in medical Growers Bible that 36 hour black out will induce flowering. I also read today that getting a plant to go back into a rooting or vegetative state takes some real good conditions. So to answer my own post NO, she wont go back to Vegging with the light increase in spite of the conditions saying it is grow season.Hence the 36 hour black out to confirm or induce a hormone change that will take more then an increase of a few moments a day and there-by decreasing darkness a few moments on the other side.
It would take a 24 hour light 2 weeks to get her to revert (IF) big if there--- IF she will even go back to veg state at all without finishing her flowering. So Crank em out with CFL's and black em out and toss em outside as long as you do not get frost or dramatic weather changes we are a launch Huston.

Every conclusion you've reached, in this post with NO data to support it, is wrong.

By the way, I use simple language so that your kind have a chance of understanding.

I really want to be understood, unlike yourself.

You'd rather try to elevate yourself by denigrating others that know better than to buy the BS you're attempting to sell.
Update on this thread 20 days into flowering from an inside to outside, Light is getting longer everyday and she is still Flowering even with the backyard light getting flicked on a few times a night by my smoking girlfriend at night So lightus inerruptus along with light lengthening and still flowering.
Baring down on this black out myth

If you read my grow show, you'll see how little you understand what you are seeing.
update here are the girls entering a 14 hour day length with no sign of re veggin, I am going give them 0 0 2 in the next week and see then re-flower ( I was told)
So we will see in about 10 days after they get watered again.

Let's see if you have any ability to reason.

A normal vegging plant, outdoors, starts to receive diminishing photoperiods about June 21st each year in the Northern Hemisphere.

Few of these plants will show any flowers for five or six weeks. About the first of August.

Take the same plant indoors, and put her under 12/12 and most plants will show flowers within a week(assuming some idiot girlfriend isn't out there turning on the porch light.)

Where did you get the idea that the reverse would be quicker?

It isn't.

I needed to reveg a few small Trainwreck plants, so I put them under a 24/0 schedule, and after two weeks, all three were vegging vigorously. They are ready to move into five gallon pots.
update here are the girls entering a 14 hour day length with no sign of re veggin, I am going give them 0 0 2 in the next week and see then re-flower ( I was told)
So we will see in about 10 days after they get watered again.

What is 0-0-2?

A nute mix for revegging should look like 20-10-10, or the like.
Yep new program veggem in the inside toss em in the dark 36 hours and harden em off (not hardly) and let the Sun finish her off. My chic and I were talking and we were trying to come up with an analogy so we said, Stopping a female from flowering is like trying to stop Labor after it has started. So the experiment continues

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
so I am starting flushes in a day or so---(waiting for the last watering to dry out) I have some more right behind these as the days reach 14.5 hours a day. I think to get a female to revert back to Veg it must take 17 hours of light as what I have been reading and also was referenced in the MMJ Gwrs Bible here are some pics of them before flush this week--- I will finish this thread in about 3 weeks when those other two girls are ready to be flushed and this rumor of longer days and reverting will behind us.

Your conclusions are your own.

They aren't based on fact, but conjecture based on erroneous observations.

Have you wondered why you continue to see new flower on your plants? Mine are usually producing almost no new flowers while the calyxes are swelling and fattening trichomes.

Think about it.