question about day length and re-veggin

The Moron chimes in---I am not trying to re-veg I am saying it will not until it reaches at least 17 hours if it has flowered, Once again people like you make me not even want to share an experiment as you try to hop in here and act like you know what you are talking about
Besides who was talking to you?

I haven't seen any comments on the plants you put out on May 10th.

You took plants from a 17 hour day to a 13.5 hour day.

I figure you've been seeing flowers for about a week.
I wish people would read before they chime in---speaking to those who did not read of course. Ignorance and poverty are the two things I cannot help veggiegardener you sir have shown your true IQ. I think you did not understand the post as you do come across as a moron BTW.... This is a test to see if under regular conditions if a female will re-veg when she hits a 14 hour day hence the tags of going outside to finish flowering. People like you veggie make the day longer as we have to back track after you shoot your mouth off about a subject you know not much about. I sir am not the one acting like a no it all contrary I am always one to look it up then make it up. You on the other hand skim over a topic and think you are vested in the subject. Where were all you smart asses when I proposed this question months ago and I got 56-80 looks but no comments? Now I am in the 8th week and fluching and here comes a moron like yourself talking about stabelizing with 16 hour light? WTF? get out of your star wars pajamas and read a complete thread or a book like I have... Called MMGB by J. Cervantes. Your pics of your girls are crap veggie this is my 2nd grow and I already have surpassed your measly craft or attemt at it.

OK, you can't say I haven't read your thread.

I see no reason to change ANY comment I've made.

In the mean time, wanted to let the less experienced know that you are full of shit.

veggie go away--- just go away---I am sure you hear that a lot

Actually, you're the first.

You're also the first to call me a Moron.

I just wanted to clear things up.

It would do you good to read up on "The Scientific Method".

You'll find conclusions are best reached once the evidence is in.

Postulates and theories come first.

Jorge Cervantes mentions that other growers "reported" that 36 hours of dark would accelerate flowering, at the top of page 174, of his medical indoor/outdoor bible.

Above is what one grower experienced.

I'm inclined to avoid this method.

When you stray too far from nature's cycle, stress occurs.

This method may speed up flowering by a day, but I doubt the difference is worth the bother.

If Jorge had reported positive results in his own garden, I'd be inclined to check it out.

Exaggeration is pandemic among pot gardeners.

Considering how many indoor gardeners there are, I'm surprised my search didn't find hundreds of comments on this practice.

I'll add more links to this post, if I find them.

Although he mentions the practice, no details are mentioned. Some other things he mentions makes me question his experience. See what you think.

Not much information.

Extremely mixed revues.

Some positive comments, but still nothing quantitative. hours dark marijuana&f=false

A shot of page 174 in JC's book. He doesn't claim personal experience, but apparently trusts the information sources.

The comments in this thread are the best I've seen. Still no real quantitative info, but some of the positive comments come from people who've done side by side comparisons.

Some interesting comments...

Is there anybody doing indoor grows that would be willing to do a side by side comparison?

Based on all the comments, it seems most people noticed little difference in potency yield or quickness, but a few reported obvious results.

I guess it is a personal preference.

I veg my plants during Winter hours in a greenhouse, so this isn't very relevant to me, at the moment.

Things are changing rapidly, and sometime in the future, we may be forced to go indoors.

Knowledge is power.
End of thread----Yes you can finish flowering without a plant revegging. Best results were at 14 hour max by the 8th week of flowering. I went to 14.25 and 9 weeks on this experiment. Buds are superb looking under scope.
I noticed that the girls at 6 weeks into flwring seemed to stop or slow their fattening up or weight gain @ 14.25 hrs of light, they continue to mature as the hairs do their thing along with Tri's going from clear to cloudy/ with no new vegging or growth even after I banged some stems off the bottom a week ago (as not to wast any time budding down there but to also see if any new growth came about). Well I am done with sharing experiments on here---- enjoy yourself LOL
Pic 1 are the subject experiment that went 9 weeks total 14.25 hrs of lite at finish Spring lite BTW!

The rest of the pics are pics of the other two girls at 6 weeks going into 7 but are now being blacked out again and light back too 13/11 ( I use a Tent made of black plastic and pvc pipe.)
picture 15 was the final one as she went blackout and was outside with 14---14.25 hrs for ten days and would not continue to flower or get hairy----so I would say 13.5/10.5 is safe. Ok to go 14 if you are in the last week gradually of course and not going to do much for the first 3 days as it takes that long for any changes to take hold.


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You see what I mean about a being a moron and needing the last word---I rest my case.

Only when an idiot is pumping out misinformation.

Glory in your victory.

This is my last post on this site.

I'm tired of dealing with idiots.

There are far more than I expected.

Hey C.Cronic,
Thought that you had an interesting thread, as I had put several plants that were in the initial stages of flowering into my greenhouse in April/may. I had similiar experiences as you with my plants continuing to flower for a period of time even as the days grew longer. I'm thinking that it takes a considerable amount of time for the plants to revert back to the veg stage(completely) and while doing this the buds that are present will continue to mature...somewhat. I noticed that the buds that were on the plant when I placed them outside continued to grow, but lacked density, and appeard to be strectched out. The central stem that runs down the center of a bud lengthened and there were increased amount of leaf material in comparison with a bud matured under optimal light conditions for flowering(12/12). I see the same in your plants that were flowered in this way. No doubt that your plants flowered in the longer light, but they look airy and lack density, with diminished trich production. I can only imagine what your plants would have looked like if they were given better light conditions.

Its just too bad that you're such an expert grower on your second sucks to come in here to learn and you've got a child(in reference to your growing experience) who believes that they're an experienced grower acting like a tool. I've been doing this for more than 1/2 decade and still learn something on every grow. I'm not trying to receive one of your moron monikers(appears to be about the only word you spell correctly) but your type makes it extremely difficult to come in here and try to learn and share grow experience. Anyway man just so you know you've got a LONG way to go before you can walk around thumping your chest about your growing accumen, before that point try not to make youself out to be such a fool. Good luck with your future grows Cali.Cronprick.