Question about feeding nutrients?

I've always guessed on this. Time to finally get some input.

When feeding nutrients should you feed with as much nutrient solution as you would with plain water?

Currently I feed 6 cups of water to each plant every 3 days. When it comes time to feed nutrients should I be feeding 6 cups of nutrient solution?

Thanks in advance!


yes - as a rule of thumb

what you want to do is water once every 2-3 days in soil - use a half strengh nute solution or better yet start with one third and slowly move up from there (use a good brand) miracle grow is not ideal - never go past half strengh- then feed every third water - watch your plants and see how they react. this gives the roots a chance to flush out and not cause salt to build up. if you notice any yellowing of the leafs or spots forming - you will need to feed a bit more. what medium are you using (soiless mix)?


thats great soil - has a fair bit of nutes in it allready - be carefull on how much nutes you use.
should be a great grow. I hope I could help


Well-Known Member
Btw, it's a little confusing to say you feed your plant water - it's akin to saying "I ate a glass of water"

In general you feed and water: watering implies there aren't nutes and feeding means there are.