Question about recent sprout


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up... One of my plants which has sprouted 2 days ago just fell over. Im not sure why. It was growing good till i checked it this mourning. I havent watered it since before it sprouted does anyone think that may be the problem or might know what is. I have a picture below. Thanks!



Active Member
Yeah bro id say you need to water very often. Take a spray bottle with a misting head and spritz your lovelies every 4-6 hours for about 15 seconds. Maintain this regimin untill your transplant your lovely into a larger container.


Well-Known Member
It might be, does that soil seem dry? If not the stem my be weak and just need to be sported until the stem is strong enough to support itself.


Well-Known Member
I was using MG as well and it can hold water a little to well, I added perlite to the mix and it helped alot. Also get use to the weight of the pot. So you can just lift it a little and know if it needs water.


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks for the advice.. I just watered so hopefully it will sprout back up. I am also using a peat pot for this plant and i think it looses water a little to fast. I didnt even think it would sprout in this type of cup because the others did not. My other plants which I put in 16.9oz plastic cups seem to be doing better.


Well-Known Member
i would say i just needs to be sprayed with water and put under a humidity dome
or cover with a see through plastic bag with a small hole to keep the moisture in.