I had a quick question about ventilation.
On a side note, I know the T8 is super overkill for a 5x5x7, but when I get my other tents setup, I plan to use the T8 to exhaust multiple tents. I'd be running it to the 5x5, a 4x3x6 and a 2x2x4. I'd need an additional 200 CFM (roughly) for the other tents, possibly more with the additional ducting, but I'd still be way under the total CFM of the exhaust fan. These other tents will have a passive intake, just drawing from the ACed room. Or I am considering removing the T6 as an active intake on the 5x5 and repurposing it as an exhaust for the other tents, as I'd have to run an additional 10ft or so of ducting to provide exhaust for them if I use the T8. Ultimately that doesn't really matter though because I still won't be anywhere near needing 800CFM, even if I had to add 100% for the other tents. The T8 is mounted right next to the 5x5 and maybe about 6 ft of ducting runs directly out the window. The only real plus to repurposing the T6 would be that I could take maybe a 1 amp load off the panel by not having to run the T8 at full speed.
If you guys need any further clarification, let me know. I appreciate any help or comments!