question about women smoking weed

Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
Hundreds of years ago people did not know that bacteria and viruses caused sickness in fact they didnt know they existed. Doctors removed poisons from the body with leeches, Witches were burnt on stakes... I could go on, but when you are talking about health, science constantly changes. 27 years ago we did not know that there was a human i
immunodeficiency virus that we now call HIV.
I sort of agree, but people aren't totally blind and stupid.

People did eventually realize that rats "caused" the plague. No they didn't know really why, but they put 2 and 2 together.

They learned what plants were poisionous, helpful, etc...

Doctors have begun to use leaches and maggots again in hospital settings to remove dying tissue and save the healthy...

We didn't know what caused HIV, but we saw it was sexually and IV transmitted pretty quickly.

I'm not saying Pot is totally harmless, but if there was anything serious, it would have been recognized at some point long ago...


Well-Known Member
If you look at the time line the massive witch hunt came shortly after the plague. For a paper i wrote, my theory that the reason our stereo-typical witch which was always old ladies was because elderly old women would often keep lots of pets, cats and dogs specifically. cats and to some degree dogs, hunt mice and rats. so these little old women wouldn't get sick while the rest of the population was dying. if they're not getting sick clearly they're evil :grin:


Well-Known Member
That's pretty damn cool if it's true, but I can't trust the legitimacy of it. Studies all over Europe and in the US(though I don't trust US legitimacy, either) have proven that natural birth has the best results on the babies health.
Yeah, but a sober birth might be unnatural for some people. "natural" is kinda...well certainly w/weed it's relative. as weed is about as natural as it gets.


Well-Known Member
If you look at the time line the massive witch hunt came shortly after the plague. For a paper i wrote, my theory that the reason our stereo-typical witch which was always old ladies was because elderly old women would often keep lots of pets, cats and dogs specifically. cats and to some degree dogs, hunt mice and rats. so these little old women wouldn't get sick while the rest of the population was dying. if they're not getting sick clearly they're evil :grin:
intersting point. that seems to happen with a lot of things. lack of understand=badshit.


Active Member
when i was pregnant and feeling ill weed deffinatly helped me out and i have recomended it to others also helped make sure i kept eating enuf... just found out the other day that when breast feeding there is no way it effects your baby and helps with alzimers(sp)


New Member
I can tell you first hand of the ill effects of your girlfriend smoking weed. Here is a scenerio.

You 2 are hanging at home smoking and suddenly out of nowhere the lightbulb blows out. Damn, you go to replace and it and discover that you have no more bulbs.

Your girlfriend says no problem she'll run to the store really quick to get some.

She returns home 30 minutes later. She has 3 bags of stuff. Oreos, choc chip cookies, chips, cheeze puffs, popcorn, ice cream.

You dig frantically through the bags only to discover that there are no lightbulbs.

Your stoner girlsfriend has went to the store for a specific item and bought everything but that item.

How do I know this? Because I've done it about 200 times in the past 25 years.

No seriously. I've smoked for 25 years. I have 2 kids. They are both smart adults that make wise choices. They have the correct number of extremities. They both smoke too. We're just one big ole happy stoner family.

They family that tokes together, stays together.


Active Member
That is sooo true i go to the grocery store to get one thing after i have smoked and i always come home with more and forget what i went for! haha that was a good one


Well-Known Member
she could find out how great sex stoned is, but yea dont even think about what youve heard in school


Well-Known Member
I can tell you first hand of the ill effects of your girlfriend smoking weed. Here is a scenerio.

You 2 are hanging at home smoking and suddenly out of nowhere the lightbulb blows out. Damn, you go to replace and it and discover that you have no more bulbs.

Your girlfriend says no problem she'll run to the store really quick to get some.

She returns home 30 minutes later. She has 3 bags of stuff. Oreos, choc chip cookies, chips, cheeze puffs, popcorn, ice cream.

You dig frantically through the bags only to discover that there are no lightbulbs.

Your stoner girlsfriend has went to the store for a specific item and bought everything but that item.

How do I know this? Because I've done it about 200 times in the past 25 years.

No seriously. I've smoked for 25 years. I have 2 kids. They are both smart adults that make wise choices. They have the correct number of extremities. They both smoke too. We're just one big ole happy stoner family.

They family that tokes together, stays together.[/quotebongsmiliebongsmilie:peace:]

For the Truth!