Question for FOXFARM users

I started my plants in organic miracle-grown and have been giving them the trio foxfarm package sense about two weeks (tiger bloom, big bloom, and grow big). I followed the chart that came with the trio but I feel like I am using to much. I'm experiencing curling/frayed leaves and alot of them have died (all my biggest fan leaves dried up an died too) also alot of rust spots (think that's what it's called?) If you use foxfarm do you usely give them the full dose or do you cut it down some?bongsmilie
That mg organic should of had enough nutes so you wouldn't have to add any ferts for at least a month..
to awnser your question I use the whole fox farm line up with promix hp and lime. I always start off At 1/4 recommended strength but when they start getting big and they hit 12/12 im giving a full dose just like there feeding schudule suggests


Active Member
agree with the past post! Start with 1/3 strength and work your way up to 3/4 by flowering. Some go full strength then as well!

Clint Torres

New Member
I use Fox Farm soil and either FF nutes or Botanicare and either way i cut the suggested nutes in half at first. then instead of feeding every other water i still cut my nutes in half and feed lightly every time. this does not seem to burn the plants and removes any guess work if i "forgot" if i fed last time. i have grown in MG before, not used ANY nutes and it went all the way to bud just fine. MG is very acidic though, like 5.3. So if you use MG you need to pH your water to like 7.4 for like the first month the to like 6.8 from then on. With FF soil and the other nutes I start water at 7.0 until the seedling gets its first true sets of leaves and then 6.8 until halfway thru flower when i go to 6.6.

So MG soil has time release nutes and with regular organics you gotta feed them.