Question for Republican Tokers


Active Member
Skunky 33,

I didn't say I wouldn't pay for MY father's healthcare, I just don't want to be FORCED to pay for your father's healthcare. If you were honest you'd acknowledge you feel the same way. If not, my dad can use some new slippers for x-mas okay? Get me your address and I'll mail you some of his bills.

Roads are easy to take care of through fuel taxes and local property tax extortion

Miitary? You tried to strawman me...that's not my position, try someone else.

So why not politely answer my questions?

Who will pay for the healthcare you say should be given?

What will happen to those who refuse to participate? Is that your kind of freedom?
When I was 22, many years ago. I got jumped walking down the street, leaving a bar, by about 10 juveniles with weapons. I guess they did this to 3 people that night. I don't even remember what happened, but they broke my ribs, nose, split my head open in 3 places, dislocated my jaw etc. A guy saw what happened and drove me about 4 blocks to the hospital, which I don't remember. I woke up in the emergency room waiting area. They gave me a paper to fill out and asked me if I had insurance; I shook my head. I couldn't even talk. They said I stopped bleeding and told the waiting onlookers "it looks much worse than it actually is. Head wounds bleed a lot.

NURSES shined a light in my eyes, slapped the gashes in my head with suture tape. Popped my jaw in to place (which I think permanently messed up my hearing) rapped my ribs in cloth and gave me some type of pain relief like Ibuprofen. They said "Well, you can't stay here all night, we're busy, the blood is freaking people out" I finally remembered my families # they called and pushed me outside to wait in 20 degree weather on a wheelchair chained to a post!?!

What they didn't expect was that this dirty hippie who looked homeless and smelled like a brewery was in fact a member of a somewhat wealthy family. When they saw me outside slightly frosted in snow, covered in blood half dead with a head swollen twice the size of normal my family freaked! I than got a 3 day stay in the hospital (on the house) a CAT scan, stitches etc. The Dr found that I had a severe concusion. If my family wasn't who they were, or there. I might have died.

This shit happens all the time! Especially to people who are marginal members of society, they don't have enough buying power to be considered a threat. Untold numbers of people enter hospitals get slapped with a bandage and Ibuprofen just to f#cking die alone in some f'n corner. They're dead! no recourse, no action taken.

On the other hand in Europe I sprained my ankle rock climbing wasn't able to walk without a crutch it swelled up huge. My ex helped me to the medical center no wait a couple questions in 15 min I had splint, crutches, some nice meds and it cost me 28 euro's.

So, excuse me if I think that caring for fellow American's health is a more appropriate aspect of a civilized society than a couple dollars a week so maybe in a month you can buy The Family Guy season 2 DVD set along with the tons of other chinese garbage littering an already overstuffed pressboard faux finished mini mansion.

My freind and his wife made $$$ in the housing market have 5 cars 6 plasma's (2 still in boxes?) lose cell phones and blackberry's every other week, bought 4 video game units for their 8 yr old kid who has about 160 game disks which he throws like f'n frisbee's around their 160,000 dollar newly refinished basement Yeah, they bitch about the taxes they're going to have to spend on a health care plan for "homeless dirtbags and idiots"

You go America! F'n YEAH!

I agree property taxes are BS though, many taxes are BS, I pay taxes for property I can't sell or build on and are considered agricultural but they're wooded!? why not fight those instead of fight against health care reform?


Active Member
Make big Pharma pay for it from their profits from over seas sales. Which means they need to flip the vaule of their product; charging less for US sales and more for forighn sales. Currently we pay between 10 and 1,000% more for drugs made in the US by US Pharma.
So, flip the sales price and charge the export to fund those who can NOT afford health care. Produce real Tort reform.
If you can afford heath coverage but don't purchase it- you are charged a primium for yopur care. Kind of like bying a ticket before a concert as opossed to the day of the event.
Keep the Gov out of it all together except for the tariff on the export of Pharma and other items.
Well, that's not right wing at all. It's sounds interesting.


Active Member
liberal boogey man? hardly. delusional control freak? certainly.

the legacy of fdr is a permanent welfare state and the justification for an ever more intrusive government. his strategy for ending the great depression backfired, merely increasing government spending in exchange for temporary relief, and quite possibly prolonged it. it has been argued that only ww2 pulled us out of that decline and that his policies were just a dangerous stop gap which tided us over until war spending stimulated an economy which the taxation for his new social policies was quickly strangling. whatever the truth behind that argument may be, his actions paved the way for the permanent, government dependent underclass we see today. the temporary relief of the welfare state has become the permanent backbone of a drive for increased regulation and control over the private sector by an increasingly virulent bureaucracy of his design.

i find it a bit humorous that you would champion roosevelt for defeating germany with one breath and condemn conservatism for engaging the forces of today's fascist threat. just as in today's conflict, it took an attack on american soil to pull us into that global fight. both enemies attacked civilian and military targets indiscriminately and threatened the peace on a world wide scale. both enemies used the excuse of the intervention of other countries in their domestic policies and the myth of destiny to justify their atrocities, yet you choose to demonize one action and glorify the other. the allied atrocities of ww2 included such spectacular actions as the internment of thousands of japanese americans, the firebombing of dresden, and the decimation of two japanese cities by the newly developed and largely untested nuclear bombs, yet we now cry over the mistreatment of a few terrorist prisoners and the occasional errant missile strike. i realize that hindsight is 20/20, but the fact remains that war is an atrocity unto itself and seldom is any party to it completely blameless. dividing fault along party lines is one of those disingenuous tactics of partisanship that makes such fanatics so laughable.
I do believe the welfare system needs to be reformed but to put it in perspective you give more money to corporate welfare than to the poor.

I'm not blaming solely any one party but to blame FDR for 8% of taxes that go to the poor excluding medicare and medicaid is an argument but totally not worth the demonization he gets, conservatives hate him because he was successful in an area where they can only wish they were, an issue in which they act like they own but in politics have never won; warfare.

All anybody has to do to excite an arm chair warrior conservative is state that FDR was pres. right up until basically the end of the war and they are assaulted by a swarm of hatred. lol

Even when Reagan 's program gave more tax payer money to corporations than the poor they'll never state this.

You compare A fighting force of every super power at that time and the deaths of 100 million people to 911. 911 was horrible but understand the difference between a grape and a vineyard

It's funny how you deem FDR responsible for all allied atrocities in WWII the bombing of the Japanese who were the worst most horrible torturers on the planet. If terrorists did what the Japanese did to people and to as many I'd say nuke em especially if it was a nation who supported terrorism. The Japanese did things to millions of men, women, and children that are unspeakable and as a nation state. It pisses me off when people try to equate WWII with terrorists who can't even buy a f'n tank. They can't even afford ships or missiles had to use planes. People talk like they're going to take us over...I can't even begin to drink that Cool-aid...

"the temporary relief of the welfare state has become the permanent backbone of a drive for increased regulation and control over the private sector by an increasingly virulent bureaucracy of his design"

I can't even begin to say all that is wrong with this statement. What you're talking about is only a small portion of what went wrong and the increased regulation was because of not enough regulation. The problem was that the entire real estate market was playing a pyramid scheme because of no regulations and is a result of the exact thing you probably champion which is uncontrolled capitalism. Everyone was approved for loans in which they couldn't afford including the upper middle class. People on welfare live in government housing and the government pushing for more leniency on income requirements were fodder for the unregulated greed of the mortgage companies. If the government didn't jump in to take over, who would have? nobody wanted to buy the likes of AIG fanny or freddie. it's an integral part to the basis of wealth and power in this country. What kicks me is that there were no other options. It wasn't as if you could let these companies fail and new one's would just pop up and happily take on their debt why would a company become a charity giving their money you understand this at all?


Active Member
Undertheice: i don't have a grudge against conservatism or conservatives I just think they're wrong on many things. You on the other hand seem to hold a grudge against FDR for some reason. Sure he was a bit of a patrician and a paternalist, but he successfully saw the country through some of our most difficult times and there is a reason he was one of the most beloved presidents of all time.
Also, it pisses me off when people brainlessly through around terms like socialism and fascism. A few of us have actually lived under genuine socialism at some point in our lives and have grandparents who remember(ed) fascism and claiming that anything going on today even remotely resembles the kind of totalitarianism that is associated with those words is a pretty good indication that you have no idea what you're talking about.
Again, if you buy into the ron paul brand of extreme libertarianism and smoke and grow that's one thing. In that case you think nothing is anything of the government's business and much less your plants, so end of story.
But there is a bit of a contradiction if you're a grower and love the modern-day version of political conservatism of recent republican presidents that is for torture, pollution, making money off the sick, hating gays and enforcing morality along with a tough law & order stance and drug war that has turned all of us into have to admit.

Illegal Smile

Let me see if I have this thread correct. If you grow marijuana it is wrong to support conservatives. BUT, from what I see - if you support gay marriage it is still ok to support Obama even though he has spoken out against gay marriage. Conservatives should be narrow-minded single-issue voters, but liberals don't have to be.
Undertheice: i don't have a grudge against conservatism or conservatives I just think they're wrong on many things. You on the other hand seem to hold a grudge against FDR for some reason. Sure he was a bit of a patrician and a paternalist, but he successfully saw the country through some of our most difficult times and there is a reason he was one of the most beloved presidents of all time.
Also, it pisses me off when people brainlessly through around terms like socialism and fascism. A few of us have actually lived under genuine socialism at some point in our lives and have grandparents who remember(ed) fascism and claiming that anything going on today even remotely resembles the kind of totalitarianism that is associated with those words is a pretty good indication that you have no idea what you're talking about.
Again, if you buy into the ron paul brand of extreme libertarianism and smoke and grow that's one thing. In that case you think nothing is anything of the government's business and much less your plants, so end of story.
But there is a bit of a contradiction if you're a grower and love the modern-day version of political conservatism of recent republican presidents that is for torture, pollution, making money off the sick, hating gays and enforcing morality along with a tough law & order stance and drug war that has turned all of us into have to admit.
Drunk on kool-aid and poppen 'Parrot Pills' provided by the Government Fed Press. Mores the pity.

Also a poster child for our government fool... excuse me, 'school' system.


New Member
Yeppers, FDR was a truly great president. Let's see ... He confiscated the gold holdings of American citizens and cancelled gold clauses in all private contracts. He started the withholding tax as a temporary war measure which confiscates the fruit of our labors before we even get a chance to see it. He instituted unconstitutional make-work programs in an attempt to stimulate the economy, and yet, there were more unemployed at the beginning of his third term than at the beginning of his first. He black-balled authors and commentators who were in disagreement with him. In fashion typical of progressive racism, he interned over 100,000 Americans because of their race under the guise of national security. He tried to pack the Supreme Court in an attempt to get his unconstitutional ideas/policies past conventional constitutional law. FDR's views were fascist in nature, in that, he believed that the central government should have strict, dictatorial control over private enterprise. In fact, FDR, as well as Churchill are on record spewing accolades toward Mussolini during the 1930s before Italy entered the war as an ally of Nazi Germany.



Well-Known Member
Excellent Question, Skunky. I guess with all this overthrow, cause Obama won thing is over The republicans will have there way again, and sure as shit, all these so called "growers and users and Yes all you Med patients and clinics to get your weed, and suppliers to the clinics will all be out of busieness and sitting in prison, but I see most people here just spew there agenda's and twist everything around, See what happened already in this thread:(, Oh, and most here spewing the agenda, will not be effected due to the ability to hire the best of the best,,,That should change also.
You would be amazed at how many conservative pot growers are on this site! Everyone is waking up in this country.

Pot should be legal. It's about time don't you think??

A conservative, God and country loving - pot grower!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
When I was 22, many years ago. I got jumped walking down the street, leaving a bar, by about 10 juveniles with weapons. I guess they did this to 3 people that night. I don't even remember what happened, but they broke my ribs, nose, split my head open in 3 places, dislocated my jaw etc. A guy saw what happened and drove me about 4 blocks to the hospital, which I don't remember. I woke up in the emergency room waiting area. They gave me a paper to fill out and asked me if I had insurance; I shook my head. I couldn't even talk. They said I stopped bleeding and told the waiting onlookers "it looks much worse than it actually is. Head wounds bleed a lot.

NURSES shined a light in my eyes, slapped the gashes in my head with suture tape. Popped my jaw in to place (which I think permanently messed up my hearing) rapped my ribs in cloth and gave me some type of pain relief like Ibuprofen. They said "Well, you can't stay here all night, we're busy, the blood is freaking people out" I finally remembered my families # they called and pushed me outside to wait in 20 degree weather on a wheelchair chained to a post!?!

What they didn't expect was that this dirty hippie who looked homeless and smelled like a brewery was in fact a member of a somewhat wealthy family. When they saw me outside slightly frosted in snow, covered in blood half dead with a head swollen twice the size of normal my family freaked! I than got a 3 day stay in the hospital (on the house) a CAT scan, stitches etc. The Dr found that I had a severe concusion. If my family wasn't who they were, or there. I might have died.

This shit happens all the time! Especially to people who are marginal members of society, they don't have enough buying power to be considered a threat. Untold numbers of people enter hospitals get slapped with a bandage and Ibuprofen just to f#cking die alone in some f'n corner. They're dead! no recourse, no action taken.

On the other hand in Europe I sprained my ankle rock climbing wasn't able to walk without a crutch it swelled up huge. My ex helped me to the medical center no wait a couple questions in 15 min I had splint, crutches, some nice meds and it cost me 28 euro's.

So, excuse me if I think that caring for fellow American's health is a more appropriate aspect of a civilized society than a couple dollars a week so maybe in a month you can buy The Family Guy season 2 DVD set along with the tons of other chinese garbage littering an already overstuffed pressboard faux finished mini mansion.

My freind and his wife made $$$ in the housing market have 5 cars 6 plasma's (2 still in boxes?) lose cell phones and blackberry's every other week, bought 4 video game units for their 8 yr old kid who has about 160 game disks which he throws like f'n frisbee's around their 160,000 dollar newly refinished basement Yeah, they bitch about the taxes they're going to have to spend on a health care plan for "homeless dirtbags and idiots"

You go America! F'n YEAH!

I agree property taxes are BS though, many taxes are BS, I pay taxes for property I can't sell or build on and are considered agricultural but they're wooded!? why not fight those instead of fight against health care reform?
First off I don't watch much television, but FAMILY GUY is pretty funny. I don't live in a mini mansion either, just a simple place I built.

Sorry to hear you got beat up though. Using superior force to make peaceable people do things against their will, is something that happens, albeit it is usually government, but there are real life thugs out there too.

I hope you understand that I don't want to harm anybody or see anybody get harmed...I just don't want to be mugged either, or be made to do things against my will, with my time, my money or my choices. Force whether applied by thugs or government is not pretty.


Well-Known Member
Drunk on kool-aid and poppen 'Parrot Pills' provided by the Government Fed Press. Mores the pity.

Also a poster child for our government fool... excuse me, 'school' system.
Pot kettle black doesn't begin to describe this nor how dumb this whole response was.

And you probably won't see the irony in what you said either will you?


Active Member
Let me see if I have this thread correct. If you grow marijuana it is wrong to support conservatives. BUT, from what I see - if you support gay marriage it is still ok to support Obama even though he has spoken out against gay marriage. Conservatives should be narrow-minded single-issue voters, but liberals don't have to be.
Gay marriage? How is this about gay marriage? "Liberals" are probably the most divided individuals. Liberal is a word that conservatives use to signify an enemy, so those that don't agree with republicans are lumped in with terrorists and communists. There is huge unity in the republican conservative movement. If I remember correctly Ronald Reagan was voted by 85% of conservatives the leader of their movement.


Active Member
Excellent Question, Skunky. I guess with all this overthrow, cause Obama won thing is over The republicans will have there way again, and sure as shit, all these so called "growers and users and Yes all you Med patients and clinics to get your weed, and suppliers to the clinics will all be out of busieness and sitting in prison, but I see most people here just spew there agenda's and twist everything around, See what happened already in this thread:(, Oh, and most here spewing the agenda, will not be effected due to the ability to hire the best of the best,,,That should change also.
I think that with the propaganda today using the ridiculous guise of conservative = freedom. That the next president will be authoritarian, a real authoritarian in which actually controls and dominates with armed enforcement DEA and police. Conservatives seem to champion more freedom and less judicial prudence in police and law enforcement. The judges are the problem in conservatives eye's and cowboy uncontrolled law is championed as their brand of "freedom?"


Active Member
Drunk on kool-aid and poppen 'Parrot Pills' provided by the Government Fed Press. Mores the pity.

Also a poster child for our government fool... excuse me, 'school' system.
Conservatives voted 85% that Reagan is the leader of the conservative movement. The same conservatives that shout freedom will only give freedom to police and against American people and continue to send Americans to the gulags....Who's drinking the Cool-aid?

Illegal Smile

I think that with the propaganda today using the ridiculous guise of conservative = freedom. That the next president will be authoritarian, a real authoritarian in which actually controls and dominates with armed enforcement DEA and police. Conservatives seem to champion more freedom and less judicial prudence in police and law enforcement. The judges are the problem in conservatives eye's and cowboy uncontrolled law is championed as their brand of "freedom?"
Gee, I hope this next authoritarian president doesn't put us in jail for not buying the government healthcare insurance.


Active Member
You would be amazed at how many conservative pot growers are on this site! Everyone is waking up in this country.

Pot should be legal. It's about time don't you think??

A conservative, God and country loving - pot grower!
You still don't get it.

You think that the conservative movement is some freedom fighting underground movement. Fact, it is the largest social represented financed voting block in this country. They want law to be left up to law enforcement and judges to give them freedoms, not American civilians. The large majority of conservatives still agree with the War on Drugs and have always championed "hang em high" unrestrained authoritarian control and surveillance over American civilians. Prove me wrong.


Active Member
I'm beginning to understand. For conservatives, it's all about bread and circus. As long as they can buy bread and go to the circus they don't care about freedom because to them, bread and circus is freedom.


Well-Known Member
You would be amazed at how many conservative pot growers are on this site! Everyone is waking up in this country.

Pot should be legal. It's about time don't you think??

A conservative, God and country loving - pot grower!
Everyone is not waking up, you are in the company of the enemy doing their bidding but you just don't know it.

How about the next time you get a chance you go to some conservative get together, Wait in line and take your turn at the microphone and politely explain your position on the war on drugs or try your very very best to explain any truth about cannabis or even better yet just come out and say you grow and smoke your own pot and what good it's done for you.

Lets just see how you are welcomed. Lets see just how much love and acceptance you are really given by your peers. At that moment you will see the light.