Question on first top


Hey all. First time grower with newb question here. Just topped my first plant. Wanted to make sure it was right before proceeding forward to the others. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey man, at what node did you top her?

She's looking good, I'd say you did a good job, but I would leave a little bit more of that stem as it acts as a manifold for when the stems get thicker.


Hey man, at what node did you top her?

She's looking good, I'd say you did a good job, but I would leave a little bit more of that stem as it acts as a manifold for when the stems get thicker.
Ah ok I see what you mean. You thinking a considerate bit more possibly half node length? I topped at 5th node is that about right? Thanks for the quick reply!


Well-Known Member
not sure how you counted 5th node, but i assume you can see it better then I can. It looked like the 3rd to me, from looking at the pic. Maybe 4th, are you counting the cotyledons as the first set? technically those dont count as a set.
Really though, looks just fine. Growers usually top at 3rd or 4th node. IDK what technique your trying to use, sounds like your aiming for a short bushy plant? Or are you thinking about doing a scrog? either way, your doing fine. I am not a fan of multiple toppings. not saying it doesn't work, just that its not for me. good luck!


not sure how you counted 5th node, but i assume you can see it better then I can. It looked like the 3rd to me, from looking at the pic. Maybe 4th, are you counting the cotyledons as the first set? technically those dont count as a set.
Really though, looks just fine. Growers usually top at 3rd or 4th node. IDK what technique your trying to use, sounds like your aiming for a short bushy plant? Or are you thinking about doing a scrog? either way, your doing fine. I am not a fan of multiple toppings. not saying it doesn't work, just that its not for me. good luck!
Sorry bout that i meant to type 3. It's the 3rd above 1st leaf (not cotyledons). As this is my first grow I was aiming for bushy by way of some lst, didn't want to bite off more than I could chew first go round. I'll just be doing the 1 top this time I think.