Questions for Gravity Users


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I recently purchased Humboldt Gravity and am confused with the directions for application. I am using soil, technaflora recipe for success with a 400W light about 10 inches away from the top colas. The light cannot be moved any further away. I am at 3.5 weeks flowering with tons of bud/crystal production. It is amazing.. Anyways, onto my questions:

How exactly do I use this product?

It says:

"Gravity can be applied alone or with regular nutrients. Plants should not be stressed at time of application. It's best to water with plain water before applying this product, especially if using PURPLE MAXX. Nutrient concentrations should be reduced by 1/2 if applied with this product. If plants are grown under an HPS light, lights should be raised 6-12 inches."
1. Should I start using this now? Or is it only supposed to be used at 3weeks left?

2. Does that mean I should water them for a complete watering with plain water, then a couple days later when they need it, water with this product in it? Or, do I add water to the plant to moisten it, and then finish watering with the water + product mixture?

3. Should nutrients be reduced to 1/2 completely? What I mean is, even if I apply this with water I should reduce my nutrients at next feeding by 1/2? Or is it only if I include gravity in the feeding mixture?

4. I cannot move my HPS light 1inch higher, let alone 6-12. Does that mean I should not use this product? Have other's dealt with that?

Thanks for your help guys, I appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
ive been on the gravity train for over a year. so my input is from my results.
i begin to use gravity when my bud starts its 5th week,this is when they begin to swell and tighten up.
in my program i usually feed, water , water, feed my girls ona daily basis. on the days of watering only is when i use humbolt, and the other day of watering i give them molasses. this way i feel they drink up what they get regarding the nutes ,gravity,molasses. and it doesnt go aginst the directions haveing to cut my nutes in half if i added them together.
as far as raiseing your lights, i havent found this to be worth doing.
one fat teaspoon per gallon of water has always been my application and have been very happy with the solid buds