

Active Member
I've never grown marijuana before. I do not want to start outside though :), I'm interested in experimenting with this first. I have a few questions...some I've seen answered, but I'd rather ask here with specifications :)

I'm planning on growing one plant in a ten inch by three foot (tall) wooden stand. It's hallow and conceals well. The plant will be in a pot at the bottom (on the floor). This tall cover will have to be lifted over the plant/equiptment, and placed to the side, when I water each day. I found a two foot tall slender lamp, with the bulb at the top. It fits very well inside. If I decided to stick this in the contraption, the blub would be about 14-16 inches from the top of the pot's soil. The bulb says "120volt 60hz AC only". I think it's 100watt, because it says replace with a 100watt or less blub. Is this strong enough to grow one plant? Also, how close could the plant get to the blub?

IF a 120volt 60hz AC only will definatly not work, I will buy a better light, and embed it to the TOP of the case. This would give me an extra foot of grow room before it's moved outside. If it will work, I'll use it until I feel the need to either move the plant outside, or get a better light to be put a foot higher.

In addition, I may tape reflective paper around the plant's base (not getting to close to the light).

My second issue is air. This case is almost airtight, because it can't be revealed. Is this a big issue? I could attach a handheld fan to the inside if that'd do anything...or maybe drill some small holes. :P Any suggestions?

Thanks for your time guys. :)


Well-Known Member
1.10 in. wont be wide enough once the plant starts to grow.

2.You could easily damage the plant lifting the stand off and putting it back on.

3.I don't really know about the light. i would need to see a picture. If it is a 100 watt light it might grow it as a seedling but it will stretch and you will definately need more lights.

4.And last but definately not least a fan will make the stems stronger but you will need a way for fresh air to get to the plants. They need to breath.

sorry if this sounds negative just trying to help.


Active Member
NO GROW, thank you very much for your feedback :D
I understand your first point, I didn't put the width into enough consideration. Yeah, and I'm becoming more and more afraid that the plant's root system would fail without enough oxegen. I think I would be careful enough to remove the cover with ease, as long as the plant isn't too big (it's a very light piece of furniture).

But at the moment, I'm considering growing outdoors. Since it's going to be cold for the next 10 days or so, I've decided to start a plant in a small pot I have. I'll keep it under the 100watt light or by my window. Once it gets warmer, I'll move it outside, and I'll just be doing a lot of walking this summer. :D


Well-Known Member
NO GROW, thank you very much for your feedback :D
I understand your first point, I didn't put the width into enough consideration. Yeah, and I'm becoming more and more afraid that the plant's root system would fail without enough oxegen. I think I would be careful enough to remove the cover with ease, as long as the plant isn't too big (it's a very light piece of furniture).

But at the moment, I'm considering growing outdoors. Since it's going to be cold for the next 10 days or so, I've decided to start a plant in a small pot I have. I'll keep it under the 100watt light or by my window. Once it gets warmer, I'll move it outside, and I'll just be doing a lot of walking this summer. :D

i've tried this method but with a bucket it duznt work out, When lifting it i damaged some plants