Quick! About to buy used LED


Well-Known Member
here's some more specs to make me look "foolish"......please school me on where I'm wrong, first pic p1500, 2and p4000
I think your looking at the wrong light man,either way I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing k.
It says right in that pic it only pulls 400w. That's not equivalent to a 1000w that's equivalent to a 400w. Even with 2 you're only pulling 800w in a 4x8 which is only 25w/ft2.

You do know these companies lie about their wattages to sell product, right?


Well-Known Member
I was on a budget as well when I started. Not necessarily the most desirable, but I found a good deal on a Chinese knockoff off QB w/ decent driver and Samsung diodes. Has done pretty well for me so far.


Active Member
Still I would use 2 in a 4x4. They're all of 400 watts. 2 would make more sense. Just going off my experience.
first off sir, I have major respect for your achievements and your ingenuity. I believe I will be adopting some of your same set up when I can better establish my property. I agree with you also, that's why I purchased another p4000.