Quick question about air movement


So the question I have is do you guys run your vent fans during the dark hours?. If so please explain why I should. The reason I am asking is with split air cooling and co2 enrichment in a sealed room I'm wondering if I'm just wasting money running vent fans at night.


Well-Known Member
Only time I do it is during flower when they are transpiring enough to to raise the humidity. Otherwise during lights off I get enough air exchange with oscillating fans. I'm in a basement that tends to be cool. Odor not an issue for me.


I'm pretty much in the same situation in basement. I guess I will try it without them and keep my eye on humidity levels. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Dude if you are running co2 and a mini split why the hell are you venting? Get a dehumidifier and seal that room. Perfect environmental control is at your fingertips, grab it.


I only vent to kill the smell. But im thinking about not venting at all.my temps are 82 to 84 with no fan while using the gas. And I set the mini split to 85 so if it goes over that it will cool down no problem


Well-Known Member
I use no odor control at all in a sealed room with a mini split, a dehumidifier, and a co2 generator and i have had people 2-3' from my flower room door and had no idea it was there.