quick question on misting

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah and btw..you plant looks very premature for 4 weeks. What kind of light are you using? And why do you rarley ever water it?


Well-Known Member
NO NO NO NO. DO NOT MIST THE LEAVES OF YOUR PLANT. SOMEONE TELLING YOU TO MIST THE LEAVES OF THE PLANT IS HORRIBLE ADVICE!!! the only water your plant needs is poured into the soil. that's it. enough water to drip out of drainage holes in bottom of container, and your done. the reason you DO NOT mist the plant at all is because when you do, the water droplets left behind on the leaves act as little magnifying glasses. they intensify the light the plant is recieving and BURN the leaves. you will end up with burn spots all over the plant. water the soil, and only the soil. there's no reason to mist the leaves. good luck....


Well-Known Member
cleans the plants?! why are your plants dirty in the first place? if there's some dirt or something on the leaves, gently brush it off. the plant in that pic though is still very young and fragile and should not be being handled. plants do not like the oils that are on our hands. so dont touch them. dont mist, then wipe off the droplets, nothing. if that's what your doing, your doing more harm than good to the plant. leave her alone - water her and then let nature do it's thing. good luck...


Active Member
My plant looks premature? Well its growth has slowed the last few days I had to transplant it again because the soil i was useing was too strong it gave the tips nute burn. So lately its been a little droopy, im useing 2 26watt cfls.
I water it like every 3, 4 days maybe 5 days. the soil in the bottom is always a little moist, the last time i watered it i figured its been a while I didnt put that much in and 2 seconds later it all the leaves were drooped down. i over watered it cause the bottom of the pot was still kinda moist idk i think i need better drainage.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Ive been misting my plants for years?? hahah. I thought it was obivous that you should do it at night and let it dry off before turning your lights back on.
And yes..clean your plants. Do you not realize that dust and other particles are in your air no matter how sanitized your grow space is? I guess, to each there own is a good example of this..

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
My plant looks premature? Well its growth has slowed the last few days I had to transplant it again because the soil i was useing was too strong it gave the tips nute burn. So lately its been a little droopy, im useing 2 26watt cfls.
I water it like every 3, 4 days maybe 5 days. the soil in the bottom is always a little moist, the last time i watered it i figured its been a while I didnt put that much in and 2 seconds later it all the leaves were drooped down. i over watered it cause the bottom of the pot was still kinda moist idk i think i need better drainage.
Put more lights in there. At 4 weeks my plants are about 1 1/2 feet high and have a hell of alot more leaves..


Active Member
i mist my plants all the time, like Johnny retro said it helps clean them, there is a bunch of shit in the air, in any room inside, or out... inside the best example is found from dusting... there is the same amount of shit on your plants.. you can mist right when the lights go off so they don't burn.. or if you need to correct a deff. you can mist then take the plant by the stem and shake it so excess water comes off..... this helps to strenghten your stem at the same time.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Is it ok to mist the leaves once in a while? would it like that since i rarely water it.
Check the pics its 4 weeks old doing good besides some yellowing and brown tips.
Also the yellowing and brown tips on the bottom leaves is normal..they should fall off soon, or you can just take them off now.


Well-Known Member
lol... yes, to each his own indeed. i do not mist my plants. never have, never will. it's uneccessary and in my opinion, a waste of time. you want to mist your plants in the dark and wipe down each leaf because the air is so polluted with dust, have at it. i believe it's bad practice. like i stated earlier, the oils in your skin are not good for the plant. thus, you probably stress the plant out more by touching it, rubbing it, stretching it, etc. all my plants for the last 3 years have been just fine in multiple environments without ever misting them. the leaves never really get dirty enough to have to "clean" them. whatever, kronica will make up his own mind about what he wants to do..... i'm just giving advice from what i know and what i've done.....


i used to mist my plants and notice my leaves curling and yellowing so i stopped and it made a huge difference.once i stopped the plants looked healthy again...i would say no misting


Well-Known Member
ok, you mist the plants in the dark. how do you do that? on a 12/12 schedule, the plant needs 12 hours of complete darkness. how do you mist your plant in total darkness? and if your not wiping the plant off with your hand then how do you wipe it down? with a rag? lol... this is bizarre.....
NO NO NO NO. DO NOT MIST THE LEAVES OF YOUR PLANT. SOMEONE TELLING YOU TO MIST THE LEAVES OF THE PLANT IS HORRIBLE ADVICE!!! the only water your plant needs is poured into the soil. that's it. enough water to drip out of drainage holes in bottom of container, and your done. the reason you DO NOT mist the plant at all is because when you do, the water droplets left behind on the leaves act as little magnifying glasses. they intensify the light the plant is recieving and BURN the leaves. you will end up with burn spots all over the plant. water the soil, and only the soil. there's no reason to mist the leaves. good luck....
Right now you giving terrible advice.Misting is done normally in veg.Shit you mist clones daily to root.I know i do.Ive been misting my plants everyday since i started growing.The only time my leaves got burned was when i misted under the hps without my cooltube.


Well-Known Member
i've never cloned a plant. maybe it's common practice to mist clones. idk. but that's not what we're discussing. i've seen numerous people's plants ruined by misting. as in my earlier posts i've stated that it's completely uneccessary and plants will do just fine, in fact, thrive without ever needing to be " misted" ...