Quick Question?


Well-Known Member
My plant is in it's 1st week of flowering. i'm currently using a 20-20-20 chemical fertilizer, which i have been feeding her weekly at a 1/2 gallon per meal. i just got some Neptunes Organic Fish Fertilizer and was wondering if it would be safe to use it alongside the 20-20-20. any feedback will be highly appreciated.bongsmilie

Truth B Known

Active Member
this is posted in outdoor gardening.. just curious is this an autoflower plant from seed.. and i would def stay away from the 20-20-20 or any other crazy chemy numbers like that.. do all organic... but if you're gonna stick with that, ya, you could mix together, do less than what it calls for at first.. but seriously bro, toss the chems or give them to a homeboy.. and stick with all organic.. studies show the 3-3-3 organic fish emulsion works better than 15-15-15 chem shit they tested it against..

if its not an autoflower seed you're doing outside and it was just inside and you flipped it to flower, chances are its just gonna come out of flower and keep veg'n until august or sept when it flips naturally (cause of the change of sunlight times and more red light in sun less blue)

so if thats your case, i would just feed them a nice light mix of that organic fish fertilizer everytime you water, all thru veg.. and spray with neem oil every 3-4 days all the way thru the 4th week of flower, a must to keep them happy and naturally bug free.. when they start to flower, switch up the food to a bat guano/molasses mix or whatever, just keep it organic and you will be so happy you did.. and i promise whatever you're feeding while in flower, ad 1 tbsp organic blackstrap molasses per gallon with every watering all the way thru.. sorry i'm stoned and typing a lot, hope this helped.. peace bro


Well-Known Member
im from the eastern caribbean and my plant is outdoor from seed. thanks for the input, but it wasn't very clear.