Quick QWISO question


Well-Known Member
I'm getting ready to attempt my first QWISO. I'm wondering how much dried cannabis can I use with one 16oz bottle of 99% iso? I've got quart size and half gal. size mason jars. Any ideas or suggestions? Should I crumble it up? I'd like to put as much bud as possible in. Anybody know about how many oz's? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I personally use enough material that no matter what size jar you use I am able to cover the material with about a 1/2in of Iso to cover it...does that make sense?Crumble it up a little you'll get a better yield.I use a 22oz ball jar,half full its about an ounce and half after its evaped for a few days in a cool room(68-70), scrape and smoke a little on top of a fresh bowl of green:)


Well-Known Member
I was trying to get an idea on about how much bud I could use per bottle. Want to know if I should pick up more bottles of iso. I just want to do one run, everything in one bottle. Is there a max amount of bud that I should not exceed in a single run? Also should I keep the dish that ill be evaporating in, frozen, or will keeping it outside in about 50F weather be OK? Should I try to keep every container that I use as cold as I can?


Well-Known Member
I use about 10oz of Iso,because it is what will give me shallow enough layer in my 9x13 pyrex dish to evaporate fairly quickly(couple days).I wash for about 20 sec, shaking it.
Never freeze your dish,I don't even use frozen trim so I don't collect any water or contaminants that come with freezing it creating ice crystals.
Just fresh dried trim and buds in a cool room with 91%,I filter thru a 3 metal mesh screen filter I rigged.


Well-Known Member
There would not be a max amount of material to wash if you are able to evaporate it off in a couple days.


Well-Known Member
About how much bud would you use with that 10oz's of iso? I'd really like to do enough in one run to yield roughly 5+g's, 7 would be nice. Is that kinda a lot to evaporate in one dish? Probably have to have a very big dish? Like I said I'm new this, but I have done my reading, it's just these odd little details I can't find. Yeah help me out "QKing". Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I use a 22oz ball jar,half full its about an ounce and half after its evaped for a few days in a cool room(68-70), scrape and smoke a little on top of a fresh bowl of green:)
Half jar full or about an 1.5-2oz of dried crumbled,grindered material:)


Well-Known Member
Never weighed my results....next time I will give actual weights and compared resulting percentages of return hash..now I'm curious


Well-Known Member
i just put enough iso in to just cover over the buds.

from the numbers i see people post about yeilds and percentages, it seems to be roughly 1g end yeild for 7g starting product. give or take. with most saying you get anywhere from 10-20% outcome, pending what kind of product you start with.

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
I use 16oz of iso to every 30g starting material. If you are worried about putting too much in pyrex then just use 2 dishes. I usually do three 9x12 pans per 60g start weight.


Well-Known Member
I use 16oz of iso to every 30g starting material. If you are worried about putting too much in pyrex then just use 2 dishes. I usually do three 9x12 pans per 60g start weight.
Great. Thank you. Just the answer I was looking for. I was thinking that more than one dish was the way to go.


Well-Known Member
56 grams of fresh frozen filled my mason jar 2/3 of the way full.its all about density...1 pint/bottle of iso just covered the top...it yielded about half a gram (not real frosty kinda like mids or trim)
Dry I'm looking at ~7 grams maybe closer to 10....I'll tell you when the iso evaporates out the spent herb..(you should expect 10% return from dry bud..or so)
I fill the jar bout 2/3 full then filter....bottle of iso is super cheap and I always have about a gallon in the freezer just in case I wanna run more bud


Well-Known Member
56 grams of fresh frozen filled my mason jar 2/3 of the way full.its all about density...1 pint/bottle of iso just covered the top...it yielded about half a gram (not real frosty kinda like mids or trim)
Dry I'm looking at ~7 grams maybe closer to 10....I'll tell you when the iso evaporates out the spent herb..(you should expect 10% return from dry bud..or so)
I fill the jar bout 2/3 full then filter....bottle of iso is super cheap and I always have about a gallon in the freezer just in case I wanna run more bud
Whats your thoughts about using a half gal. Mason jar filled about 3/4 full of dry bud? I would probably need several evape dishes, correct? Also if I evape outside will high humidity cause moisture to collect in my QWISO? I was thinking about evaping outside with the dish sitting on a heating pad and a fan blowing over it until most iso has evaped, then moving the dish indoors, in a well ventilated bathroom with the fan to complete the evape.


Well-Known Member
Depending on what kind of dish you use, if it can hold that much fluid(crock pot will, I like using em).. i wouldn't recommend doing more than a half gallon in one dish just to keep it thin. But I've done it before.. half gallon is 4 store size bottles(16oz pints)..won't fit in a single standard mason jar...I've never used a half gallon Mason jar...but you should be able to use 3 bottles/pints, multiplying our numbers to get amount of bud (I don't feel like it:) )


Well-Known Member
If your dish is room temp it shouldn't collect too much..but once the iso isn't in contact with your bud, water isn't messing with your extraction. Its really not that big a deal, will be last to evap and takes a little longer.. but maybe its a good thing to have water be the last thing left..the iso will take water out of the air anyway being so cold and pure. Not much you can really do..a fan will make a huge difference though