Quick Soil Advice Yo


Active Member
Whats up all, first post, first grow, everythings outdoors so im posting here, please redirect me to newbie central if i am in the wrong spot.

So i got a bunch of 2 ft by 2 ft holes(real deep ones) on a sunny secluded hill side and im ready to get my soil mixed up. I got 20 bags of Fox Farm Ocean forest, a big ass bag of chemical free perlite and some high quality bat shit. Each hole takes about 2-3 bags of soil (1.5 cubic feet each bag) but apparently fox farm comes with bat shit and moss and all that stuff, so im wondering how much perlite should i mix in with 2 full bags of soil and should i hold off on the bat shit for a while or put it in now with my clones. THANKS YO!


Well-Known Member

Fox Farms already has a decent amount of Perlite in it. I mixed in one bag of Perlite to 1 bag of Fax Farms and it seems to be very airy yet it holds water like a mother.... I get the standard size bag of perlite though so i have no idea how much to tell you to use...Sorry!