Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)


Well-Known Member
I built an inline ballast awhile ago, It worked pretty well. I bought one of those " build it yourself 1000w hps" ballasts and configured it inside a long rectangular box ( had it custom made and welded by friend ) had the outside spray foamed and had 6 inch ducting attached at both ends and had 4 rubber coated D rings on the top and attaced in at the very beggining of my ducting and then through by lights and it hung from the ceiling with rubber straped..NOTE IF YOU HANG A BALLAST FROM THE CEILING MAKE DAMN SURE ITS ON BEAM!!!!!!!!! it worked extremely well then sold it off when i stopped using 1000s and went to 600s.


Well-Known Member
I am concerned about the whooshing of air coming from the end of my vent . Any ideas on how to quite it down ?
Its called a DUCT MUFFLER, not sure how much they cost but i see them on display all the time at the garden store. it looks just like a muffler on your car....just a thousand time bigger


LED's are nice and quiet but some only work so-so.

There aren't many side by side comparisons out there so I did one between 3 LED panels and tested using PAR. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4I3bkkfBFE

This compares the strength of the Grow Panel Pro 300, Apache Tech 120 and the UFO 90 LED light arrays. The strength of the light in a plant's usable range is measured in PAR and tested at one foot using a quantum meter, which is explained here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photosyn...


has nyony had someone come visit like the coucil and they see the room youve got the tent in if so have they noticed its not just a wardrobe? wat do u say if this happens and is it best to have other plants in the tent (like strawberries or tomatoe`s).


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt do the box. It just seems like overcompensating to me. If you want something simpler. Make sure you install the rubber vibration dampening grommets on your valuline fan. And then buy some 1/4" thick gasket material for mounting brackets to your wall. This will take 65% of your noise from vibration and other than that get some insulated ducting and it will help as well. Boxes are cool though, its just not easy


Well-Known Member
I am having a different issue with exhaust noise. I have a closet grow going. My carbon filter is inside the closet. I cut a hole in the top of one of the closet doors and ran the ducting to that hole. The exhaust sound is quite loud. I dont really want to spend the money on a separate speed control for my fan. Does anyone have any suggestions to suppress that exhaust noise?

Sebastien Blades

Well-Known Member
a quick, cheap and easy solution is putting bubble wrap between your fan and the wall/floor. My bulbs came wrapped in it, so I tried it out... works great, not permanent but works for now.


Well-Known Member
Good post. I bought a 6" inline fan that was rated for 3 times the cubic feet as my room and bought a speedster fan speed controller and have it turned really low it's very quite now. Have to see how high it will need to run in the summer but shouldn't be much more heat in my room it stays around same temps even in summer. Now my 16" wall mount fan is very loud when the oscillating reaches its pivot points can hear the vibration rattling the drywall :(


Well-Known Member
I lived with a physics prof in college and asked what he'd done his phD on and he said acoustics. And his work was on killing sound. So first a soft material than a medium material then a hard material and a different medium material That should do it. Line the box tight with the stuff like aluminum or cork or batting material or styrofoam or wood.

Basically it's all about specific frequency of different materials and killing different frequencies with different materials. You have a sound and it passes thru a material and the apparent frequency shifts. You pass it thru a very different material and it shifts again but is attenuated then on to a material between the two and so on.

Air Tight!
Oscillating wall fans are the worst noise makers your better especially when not mounted with with large screws to the studs. Suspending the oscillating fans is the most effective from what I found.


Well-Known Member
hate to be the one to continue to necro this thread, but i found this EXTREMELY helpful. sometimes i don't have the time to look at posts that are that deep in the forum, but this one is a gem.

i have been trying to figure out how to keep my fan from vibrating the living room floor, and i had decided on bungee cords. i had to take a smoke break before starting to hang the fan though, so i stopped by my favorite forum. it was fantastic to see this write-up, confirming what i had planned, had doubts as to if it was going to work, and it seems that it will be great.

edit: i took a break from typing this to go install my own fan, and damn if it isn't quiet as hell now. recommended to anyone.


i built a box made w/ soundboard ..... (framed w/ 1x1 wood) .... out of my charcoal to this new box ! out of the box to outside dryer type vent. before it sounded like a jet engine ... now can barely hear a thing.


Well-Known Member
Ok so ive got a 400cfm fan in my 48x48x78 tent and the fan itself is to loud its hanging so the vibration isnt a problem.Its an exhuast fan not connected to a cooltube or anything just suckin hot air out.

So could i make a box and insulate it and the run some ducting of the fans intake and out the box and have it sucking air out that way. Also any suggestions what to make the box outta to hold the most sound in.

Tried to upload a pic but its not working right now but its basically a inline fan hangin in a tent with ducting attached haha