Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

First of all, thank you for the heads up, but it probably has little or nothing to do with sound control, which is the topic of this thread.

Second, while infared cameras might be of prime importance to you, it isn't for everyone. Infared cameras need a warrant before they can be used on residential houses in the US. In addition, FLIR cameras usually don't pick up small time, personal grows. Only commercial ones.
No probs just sum input.
hey hedgehunter try the box it will work rather well.. you can also add insulation to the inside of the box to help reduce noise. i also live in an apartment and sleep right next to my room>>>>>>>>>

thnx for the response Kenbud.

JohnnyPotSeed\... as i said i think it is an issue overlooked by some growers and it could be resolved as easy as this housing..

if anyone has any other ideas too reduce sound feel free too post...

what does that window look like from the outside? have you done anything to mask the ducting??
u dont need a warrant to use an infared in residential areas in the US. i got picked up by one in my teen years stealing fireworks out of a guys garagewith like three other kids. cops all swarmed with guns at pointed at us and shit. but u definately dont need a warrant to use one.

Not trying to harp on a point or anything, but you 100% do need a search warrant to execute infared cameras in residential areas. If you want me to look up the US Supreme Court case that determined it, then I will, but hopefully you'll just take my word for it.

If you got picked up in your teen years for stealing fireworks out of a guys garage, there are a few possible reasons why you could have gotten caught. One, this might have been before the supreme court case outlawed it, I don't know how old you are. Two, and much more likely, the owner can waive their rights. If it went to court, it was illegal, but the owner of the house that you stole fireworks from can waive his rights for his house being illegaly searched in order to find you. You can't waive those rights though, because it wasn't your house.
I have built a couple similar dampening boxes out of card board boxes with good success. Just packed some foam or blankets around the fan, did worry a little about static discharge.

On one box the fan runs into the box and out through a carbon filter, still inside the box with the lid partially cut away. The other the vent enters on side of a box and goes through the fan and into another vent tube before exiting a carbon filter outside of the box.

My system is not silent but you'd have a hell of a time figuring out what it is and finding it. Oh the fans are the Home depot duct boosters, the 8" fan is actually a good bit quieter than the 6" and less than $5 more, just as a heads up.

I thought carbon filters are supposed to be hooked up so the fan sucks the air through it and blows outside??? Since when do we hook up carbon filters and blow air through them??? I'm confused!
They work either way. You can either suck through them or blow out of them. The important thing is to make sure that whatever air you have in your room first passes through a carbon filter, then doesn't come in contact with the air in the room again, before it goes outside.

Some manufacturers recommend you either suck or blow out the filter, but they work both ways.
The fans I use are $32 for an 8" fan that puts out 420cfm. I have read that they are not meant to push against resistance and are not as efficient as a squirrel fan, they more than serve my purpose, prob the same fan hydro store is selling for $100. I could put the carbon pre fan and honestly it would make changing the filter easier. I like to sit a $1 cone air freshner in the duct to cover up anything the carbon doesn't get. Oh last time I was at home depot I saw they had an adjustable temp cut off for the fans for $30, might be something to play with. Lowe's doesn't carry the fans.
My carbon filter is pretty simple 8" duct to a rectangle floor register outlet, honeywell replacement carbon fliter ($10 next to air cleaners) folded in half a couple times and duct taped over the register. Not professional grade, but serves me well.
Ok, looking for some feedback about my inline fan silencer

Basically i have something similar to the original box in this post. But mine is in the cardboard box that the fan came in, with holes cut on each side for ducting. Then i shoved a bunch of house insulation stuff inside. Just crammed a bunch in and sealed up the cardboard box. It definitely silences things a lot. I recently told the guy at the hydro store about this, and he said that it sounded like a fire danger. Ive had it going for a year with no probs...should i take it down or what!??????
I did more or less the same thing. Was a little worried about static build up, but so far so good, one year and counting.
i can take a pic later, its a CanFan 178 CFM

Homer, what do you mean static buildup? I didnt even think of that, could that be a potential for disaster?
so is it ok to sound proof a can fan with the woodbox n stuff it with house insulation? mayb even double up the wooden box?
Great post sound is more a prob to me than heat and smell .. 1 question what is it you hang the box with bungees ? can i buy these on ebay ? any links please ..1 more would it be wise to cover the box with those speaker mats that was linked up .. I,ll be bangin 1 up asap my old fan had a noisy motor this 1 has a quite motor its just the power from it now making all the whoooooooooooooof with a rumble lmao Like concord landing Back to a previous post .. Heat probs is a big prob here for growers and FLIRS here and works different from the U.S They dont need a warrent they just find the heat sorce watch the house get a warrent for suspected dealing and kick in the door,s with never any mention of flair,s The choppers are in every city in the am,s and pm,s with there flirs catchin all the Big growers growing from profits are all getting caught nearly .. I think the 2-4 plant bedroom growers arnt getting hit as much
its really a bad idea to gro period, well at least illegally, they really do take ur life away if u get caught, most harshly if u live in a school zone. 1.jail or 1st offense community service up the ass, 2 if u own a house and gro in it, kiss that goodbye, 3. no job nor an apartment will be easy to come by...

be safe and smart!
Hiya all,
I've just finished a hydro grow of paradise seeds opium
I've been hi now for a good while!!!!!
I live in a concrete built flats and have 2x5 foot tanks with water pumps

I get a low level hum from the pumps which gets me a bit paranoid that the guy in the flat above can hear.
my grow room is next door to my front door, when I stand in the communal hallway, I cant hear the pumps, my guess is he can't hear them either,
am I just being paranoid over safety? any ideas or reasurances would be very much appriciated

Hiya all,
I've just finished a hydro grow of paradise seeds opium
I've been hi now for a good while!!!!!
I live in a concrete built flats and have 2x5 foot tanks with water pumps

I get a low level hum from the pumps which gets me a bit paranoid that the guy in the flat above can hear.
my grow room is next door to my front door, when I stand in the communal hallway, I cant hear the pumps, my guess is he can't hear them either,
am I just being paranoid over safety? any ideas or reasurances would be very much appriciated


You are probably being paranoid, but sometimes a little bit of paranoia is a good thing, as it keeps us in check.

If you can't hear it in the hallway, they probably can't hear it below you. But if you are really worried about it, put some insulation on the ceiling, or use some sound proofing on the humming devices.