New Member
Point is, don’t worry about noise. That’s the last thing to worry about. More important aspects of security to think about is visibility of the operation from within your home never mind outside. And the most important of all, smell. If you’re good on those 2, then you have no worries. Unless you don’t pay your electric bill. Luckily I live in a state where it’s legal to grow cannabis whether it’s recreational or medical. All I gotta worry about is jackboys and I live in a quiet community with security cameras and dogs.
I humbly beg to differ. Both noise and smell are just aspects of the 'visibility' you mention. Assuming we're talking about a residential grow in a block of flats for example, ignoring the you and/or your equipment create can lead to somebody unintended perform the harvest for you. Not to mention actually taking the fruits of your labor and incinerating them in a giant pile of dope or whatever it is that happens to confiscated plant material. Sure, I used to think exactly like this, that is until a neighbor kindly slipped me a note under the door basically saying "dude, the sound coming from your tent, fans etc is so obvious it's making me paranoid! I hope you got the smell part covered... p.s. don't worry, won't tell". I'm a very quiet person in general, no visitors, definitely no partying, use headphones etc, but holy shit was that dude right. All I had to do was listen and it didn't take more than a few days to figure out he is definitely a hydro guy using clay pebbles as substrate. Neither one has light leaks, there's no smells, no usual clues to the outside.
I seriously had no idea how loud the structural vibrations from fans can get and how funky are their ways of travel.. if I closed the door to that grow room and you were standing on the other side, chances are you wouldn't have heard a thing. When I left the apartment however... well let's just say you could hear that damn exhaust fan (which was inaudible from behind the grow room door) a couple floors up or down and even smell would have been less obvious as to where exactly is it coming from! Not only do vibrations like to travel through structures, they often get amplified on top of it too.
Bottom line, noise is just as important as light and odor when it comes to stealthiness. Sure grandma living upstairs might not recognize the sound a hydro setup makes or could mistake your grow room fans for the HVAC system of the house, but if that's the attitude might as well not care about any smells either because what are the chances people living in your neighborhood recognize it as weed specifically?

Also, hello everyone, first time poster here! Migrating from another forum as I'm looking for a place for hobby related discussion