

Well-Known Member
my qwerkles flowered for 92 days. have you quit feeding nutes yet? you should be feeding plain water. also raise the lights to about double the height they are now and drop the light schedule from 12/12 to 10/14 and drop the temps.

yes my qwerkle is curing now. and being smoked:)


Active Member
They are outside so not much i can do they don't get alt of light now just in the morning a little because of the season change the sun sets in a different spot so the house blocks it now in the late afternoon. I just noticed that two days ago when i went out late to go look at them,like dam where the sun. So i don't know gonna give em two more weeks max that will be thirteen weeks.


Well-Known Member
Im going crazy WHATS THE SMOKE LIKE lol cant wait to hear yield ether my Querkle is SLOWLY vegging lol


Well-Known Member
the taste started out incredible and after a short cure its changed alot. its still great, but different. at first it was quite fruity like a life saver. now its more subtle and weed tasting i guess but aste different (better) than anything else around. the yield this time around wasnt bad, about 2.5 per.


Well-Known Member
022.jpgnew house security, meet blackjack.
011.jpgmystery strain soon to be identified. help me out ceph...
012.jpgwhite widow that finishes in like 48 days.
008.jpgceph strain, same as the last one.
009.jpganother mystery ceph strain.
014.jpgqwerkle mom.
015.jpgnew mom light, t5 4 ft. 8 bulb.
nice looking shit i wish i had a decent camera so i could post up my baby shes at day 63 and looking almost ready to chop down


Well-Known Member
i got the camera used online for like $25. its sony 7mp.

so only one? ya got one vegging too?


Well-Known Member
this is my new fly trap! its so cool. i just gave him a piece a weed (just in case, ya never know lol)but ya he gobbled it up. along with a few flies and a piece of french fry.001.jpg


Well-Known Member
lol nice. i used to have one of those, i fed it all sorts of stuff....but that eventually killed it. i planned on pickin a couple up to throw in my growroom next time im at mejier....fuckin fruit flies are ridiculous here...
i got the camera used online for like $25. its sony 7mp.

so only one? ya got one vegging too?
only one is almost ready i just harvested some ak-48 and some bubba kush like 5 days ago and i got some more in flower and i got 2 moms im workin on my pereptual harvest i just started and need to work out a few bugs im using soil now but hope to switch to hydro soon.


Well-Known Member
pro mix/perlite 50/50

i added lime, ewc and blood meal last time. this time was straight up pro mix/perlite.


Well-Known Member
flower room day one. 21 sharksbreath, 2 qwerkle, 1 strawberry cough and 1 white widow.



Well-Known Member
Your setup is nice and clean, I love it! You've got some great looking girls there aswell.!! I'm going to have to go back through and read through this now lol.. Very nice grow homie!!