

Well-Known Member
Mmmm. I simply cannont wait for this batch of babies. :P If they are anything like the last batch of qwerkle, it's going to be a very nice harvest.


Well-Known Member
thanks. i just covered the soil a good two or three inches. its mixed in with the perlite about 30% but i ran out of pro mix and figured what the heck. it looks good and maybe reflects some light but most of all, my local florist has the big 4 cu ft bag on sale for $12.


Well-Known Member
by the way that short unknown plant (probably la woman) isnt taller then a party cup and has like 7 or 8 nodes. i cant get a good pic cuz of all the foliage but heres something of the inside....


Well-Known Member
oh ok cool man. im waiting on cephalopod to come chime in. he should know for sure which is what. its funny too cuz the lights (t5 8 bulb) are right on top of a few of the taller plants and that plant is the shorter one so you would think it would stretch a bit for the light but nope, its staying stout as can be.


Well-Known Member
oh ok cool man. im waiting on cephalopod to come chime in. he should know for sure which is what. its funny too cuz the lights (t5 8 bulb) are right on top of a few of the taller plants and that plant is the shorter one so you would think it would stretch a bit for the light but nope, its staying stout as can be.
yea she has tight internode spacing, hollow large stems, giant dark green indica leaves, and that real musky, earthy smell.


Well-Known Member
just for the fun of things i thought i would post this craigslist ad really quick. i have never had a more difficult time trying to read and comprehend something. this guy couldnt have even gone through junior high. heres the link... http://detroit.craigslist.org/mcb/grd/2006201632.html

ill also just copy/paste ....

can be built to grow from 2 clones - 2000 tomatos at one time can indoors veggies all winter long emmmmm freash saled for xmas makes a great for that specil; mmmp poerson in your can be built ion a day u order next day we deliver and set up can also set ur whole grow op and advise on any step in the proscess of processing your own meds systemes by them self will grow up to 17 plant per bin bins can be linked togther and set up top grow as many of what u wanna grow pump has a year warrenty all u have to do is call we install and service our clinets night or day call any time 810 650 4394 just cal;l us we can get u a price on any set up wood like just tell us what thinkikn and well take it from there

for carded mmmp people we also have clones
mmmp weed marijuana 420 clone clones cloner aero hydro hydroton net cups air pumps sprayers jets 350 355 327 347 383 400 396 427 454 502 572 grow tent hydro hut 400w 600w 1000w fans ac 110v 220v amp subs speakers chevy ford dodge jeep harily davison honda grow op mediables meds 22s 24s 30s

LOL there isnt a single punctuation mark and everything is spelled wrong, lol harily davison .....and why is that even a tag anyhow, its not even related.

geez i hope this guy isnt an riu'er.


Well-Known Member
LOL i know and i made myself read through it. he even use tags like amps subs speakers and 22s LOLOLOL


Active Member
damn rzza! looks fuckin fantastic. i can almost smell 'em through the screen, and i gotta say. its giving me a big rubbery one. its a Long and Hard looking plant, Throbbing for you to pick her hairy flower. enough puns i suppose. great job though. :)


Well-Known Member
Where's your white widow from? I have a Nirvana WW going and the colas are super fat and leafy, that most of the hairs are hidden under the sugar leafs. Kinda weird, i'll see if I can get a picture to show


Well-Known Member
damn rzza! looks fuckin fantastic. i can almost smell 'em through the screen, and i gotta say. its giving me a big rubbery one. its a Long and Hard looking plant, Throbbing for you to pick her hairy flower. enough puns i suppose. great job though. :)
LMAO. thanks alot, i appreciate that.

Where's your white widow from? I have a Nirvana WW going and the colas are super fat and leafy, that most of the hairs are hidden under the sugar leafs. Kinda weird, i'll see if I can get a picture to show
mines from dinafem. yours does sound kinda strange, id love to see that pic too (not the one as your avatar lol).