qwizo's qwiso

I have an idea about a quick dry rig using a plastic tote with a fan in the lid to speed up my evaporate times.I used to use a fan blowing over the top but then then it puddles to one side and i'm not gonna rotate the dish every so often.Not all of us have the luxury of a walk in freezer and controlled environment;)
^ I made a tote with a 4" inline fan attached to the side and cut a vent into the other that I covered with cheese cloth. Keeps a nice breeze moving over the pyrex. I can hook it up to a vent line and vent it outside if needed. Works so fricking good.
I think the moving air is the biggest factor to getting it to evap faster. I get about the same times as QK does, and I don't have anything fancy, but I do have air flow over the dish.
Here ya go i probly forgot a bit though
Oh and I'll get to yalls posts
Pros and cons of fresh frozen and dry runs...

Commercial producers will want to run dry. You can run several times the material per bottle of iso increasing yield and how much you oil you can run at a time.. its much easier on the "artist" as well. Can break it up however you want (fine bits can green it up and be a pain to filter though)
Cons would be that you've lost a sizeable portion of flavorful compounds, the color won't be as clear, and lastly it takes a little extra time

Fresh frozen
The connoisseur version. It takes practice.. I wouldn't recommend to someone new in extractions unless I wanted to turn them towards butane.. it has to be cut up frozen with frozen equipment and you can't go too fast or simple friction will cause ice to form and release internals. It will get dirty QUICK with all the cuts, its really great for my airy landrace sativas. If its completely dry the iso will be golden with a very slight green tinge after sitting in bud for 24 hours, fresh frozen will do that in minutes at room temp.. it should be noted that in both cases, if everything is chilled the plant matter shouldn't absorb any iso. it should be crisp or be dry to the touch.

Fresh frozen preserves the terpenes that would have evaporated away with the water and preserves cannabinoids

Most people will probably have better results running dry, atleast until familiar with the process and the little things
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Okay so my extract has been evaporating over night and this morning I woke up to a small white puddle.

All around the pyrex was what looks like oil dried up. What is the white stuff? Is it normal?

I have a fan blowing on it, temps ~75 -80 inside.
Puddle Just like that. Cool I figured it was okay just wasn't expecting to find milk this morning. I was like shit did I spray azamax or something. Good to know. Also, I did not spray anything last night I wasn't that stoned.

I'll have some pictures tomorrow. I'll post some if it comes out good. Otherwise they'll be on my thread: (Link is in my Sig)
What do you use to scrape. These were not working well. Stuff is super sticky. Do I let it dry longer maybe?

I use the style razor blade that is thinner then that and flexible. It has sort of a spine on one side of it. I hold that spine with a pair of needle nose vise grips so Its good and tight, and scrape away. Some times I can scrape 2-3 dishes with one blade, some times I break 2-3 blades trying to scrape one dish.
The particular razors mentioned by Thundercat are a little more flexible and cheaper too;)
Someone asked about scraping the stuff in the corners,well I bent the razor to a curve and it works great in the corners.Gotta be careful bending the razor cause they break easy,took me 3 razors before I got one bend without breaking.
This is a run of pineapple express buds,i only used about 5 grams of buds.Next time i'll weigh for a weight percentage.peace
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I've been doing qwiso for a bit but I'm recently trying to step my game up and trying to avoid the BHO route. I have a couple questions if you wouldn't mind discussing?

First, would 100% iso be suitable to use and if so would it allow for a slightly longer rinse time to get more goods without stripping any of the chlorophyll into the mix? I can get half gallons for around 10$ of 100% but in the past I have only used 91 and a quick wash. Noticed tons of stuff left over sometimes after the quick wash and always wondered if I used pure ISO if it would allow a longer rinse?

Second, I read where you mentioned early harvest is good for oil. I was wondering how early are we talking? What is the peak window? For example on a 9 week strain we are talking 8.5 weeks or earlier than that?

Third, What do you think about using bubblehash to make your oil? I've often wondered also if the leftovers in your work bag and 45 bag would be good enough to give a quick wash after it dries as well?

I recently ran some early timewreck and it was the best oil I've ever made. I had the same thing you were talking about earlier where some of it was very powdery and the rest almost like a golden dust. I balled it up with the heat of my hands then pressed it out on a pyrex dish kind of like you would do bubble hash pressing but without heat. Turned out to be a very nice and thick shatter that only took small pinhead portions to get a good dab on the nail. Nothing left behind..
Fresh material is just for degradation purposes..a very small percentage of amber and yes cloudy will really alter the look and feel of your finished product.
I did for the most part give my methods on how to crystallize the oil. Its just like crystallizing anything ekse
Fresh material is just for degradation purposes..a very small percentage of amber and yes cloudy will really alter the look and feel of your finished product.
I did for the most part give my methods on how to crystallize the oil. Its just like crystallizing anything ekse
I couldn't find where u said that, if u could quote the post for me it would be much appreciated.
Fresh material is just for degradation purposes..a very small percentage of amber and yes cloudy will really alter the look and feel of your finished product.
I did for the most part give my methods on how to crystallize the oil. Its just like crystallizing anything ekse
I both dig and understand, wtf you don't give some asswhole like me info on how to make crystal....I will find out tho....