qwizo's qwiso

Well, I am glad you wrote this up. I've done a couple BHO runs but don't have a vacuum purge or anything so I switched to Ice Water Extracts. Buttttt......

I have a couple oz. of my first run bud that isn't very good. I don't really want to take the time to do a hash run with it so I was thinking the next best options would be qwiso.

Will be doing this tonight.

since you dont have a vac if you blast, finish it of with winterization to remove the residual butane
One 32oz bottle of 91% iso ina 9"x13" Pyrex dish will take 4-5 days at room temp(75degrees,50%rh) to evaporate.....at least it does for me;)

....and DAMN,farm a few weeks soak!The difference will be night and day!Do a quick wash....45 seconds at the most.Trichomes almost instantly dissolve into the iso.GL

put your solution in multiple pyrex dishes when evaporating. it will create a thinner film and you will be able to evap your qwiso faster
IMG_20140621_131742_314.jpg I had some untrimmed buds starting to dry out, about half an oz. I didnt get as much out of as i hoped. I probably should have cut it up some before soaking. I'll have to try this again with some dried up trim and see if i can get more. I like how its a gritty little powder. Makes it real easy to sprinkle in joints.
To do large runs, how well does the process scale?

Lets say a small test run of oil is about 7 ounces of dry nug resulting in over an ounce of purged extract. Normal runs are 5 pounds of dry nug resulting in about a pound of purged concentrate.

How much thin film evap surface area (not going above 118f during purge) and solvent quantity would be required for a 5 lb run completed in say 24 hours?
I would say for me to run 5lbs I would use 10gallons give or take. I like about an oz per pint. Surface area to hold 10 gallons.. I use typical 9x13x2 pyrex pans
I would say about 25 pans.
It doesn't have to be super thin film. I used to use deep crock pot style dishes, or just large ceramic pots but the quality of the oil goes down the thicker the film
I was reading about a guy that used to blast butane onto sliding glass doors out side in the mountains in Cali. It made me start thinking about finding some sort of large glass tray or something to be able to run larger batchs.
Just wanted to say thanks for this thread. I gave it a shot when you first posted it and ended up with the white powder and it made for the best joints I've smoked in my 40 years. And I have smoked some real gooood sheit in my time.
To do large runs, how well does the process scale?

Lets say a small test run of oil is about 7 ounces of dry nug resulting in over an ounce of purged extract. Normal runs are 5 pounds of dry nug resulting in about a pound of purged concentrate.

How much thin film evap surface area (not going above 118f during purge) and solvent quantity would be required for a 5 lb run completed in say 24 hours?
why do you get so much more from your larger runs when compared to your test runs?
why do you get so much more from your larger runs when compared to your test runs?

Hes not... remember, 7oz is still only half a pound. (less) w/ an oz (over) produced.

I mean its not exact but roughly it maths out to about 20% return in either case....

(I failed math... several times, so I could be very wrong)
I know it's been a few months. But I just did another run and it came out really sticky. I have to keep it in the freezer so that I can break a chunk off and put in my bowl as quickly as possible. Then it is untouchable.

The first batch i did was awesome. Very stable and tasted amazing.

I did about a 30 sec wash then quick filter through mesh, then through the 2 coffee filters and on to the pyrex dish.

About overnight later I scraped it and was more of a goo (zero powder). Had a fan blowing on it as well. Any advice on what to do next time? Should I have done an even quicker wash?
Try vacuum purging it to remove the rest of the alcohol, its pretty likely that's why your extract is still sticky.

Thanks for the input. I do not have a vac purge though. The last run didn't have this issue. It powdered up and was easy to handle once hand pressed together.
I've learned so much from this section. I just want to thank qwiso & all the contributors to the C&E section for increasing my knowledge. I still prefer dabbing BHO but it's not always feasible or easy to do very small personal runs. I do my qwiso using no heat either but I do put the Pyrex on top of my dehumidifier which evaps in 6-10 hrs for the avg run. Then I hot water bath to melt it into a puddle & freeze it the harden again. Dabs just like as BHO but a bit harsher...thx again
just thought i'd say hi to qwizo since i see you're online..
haven't seen you around much and was just thinking about you..

back to your normally scheduled program.. :D
I know it's been a few months. But I just did another run and it came out really sticky. I have to keep it in the freezer so that I can break a chunk off and put in my bowl as quickly as possible. Then it is untouchable.

The first batch i did was awesome. Very stable and tasted amazing.

I did about a 30 sec wash then quick filter through mesh, then through the 2 coffee filters and on to the pyrex dish.

About overnight later I scraped it and was more of a goo (zero powder). Had a fan blowing on it as well. Any advice on what to do next time? Should I have done an even quicker wash?

I had one batch that came out powdery in parts of the pan and gooey in other parts. The gooey stuff was hard to get in a bowl but good for dabbing. I think i should have let it dry some more before scraping.

From my experience it seems like the longer washes were more goo and using fresh undried buds also made goo.
I had one batch that came out powdery in parts of the pan and gooey in other parts. The gooey stuff was hard to get in a bowl but good for dabbing. I think i should have let it dry some more before scraping.

From my experience it seems like the longer washes were more goo and using fresh undried buds also made goo.

I'm thinking on the next run I'll do a 10 - 20 sec wash. The other problem is with the temperature change it took around two days to dry out. Maybe I'm making too much at a time.
Yea, I get people asking all the time how I make my qwiso and questions about it. Guess I'll finally make a thread..

So a little backdrop on the solvent. Basically its hydrated propene, in the production nothing nasty is created. Its completely clean. Rubbing alcohol is typically 70% to reduce skin irritation, its often denatured as well, meaning crap added in.
We want to use 91-99% Iso. both will make a great product.
Because iso is more water loving than butane it extracts the compounds at different rates giving different ratios, this is a good thing.
But it will extract a lot of undesirable compounds if left in solvent too long.
At the same time a straight up pour through like bho is not the best way to go, you lose alot. I recommend about 20 seconds total but you can go to 45ish and get a really nice extract. yes multiple stages of filtering is required. Start with a large mesh obviously

The solvent isn't terribly dangerous and can be done indoors no problem with some light ventilation.

For a basic qwiso you can do fresh frozen or dry. There are pros and cons for each..generally you want the fewest cuts in the plant matter still allowing it to reach all the trichs.

You want everything as cold as possible except what your gonna evap on to prevent condensation. If your gonna go fresh frozen, chop with frozen whatever (i use scissors) and don't do till the herb is frozen.

fill a mason jar and swap the inner lid with some type of screen to hold back most of the plant matter.

1 bottle will fill a jar about 2/3-3/4 to the top of the bud line depending on density. Fill to bud line, give it a swirl. Pour it out. You want one more smaller filter preferably before you hit coffee filters. 2 stacked coffee filters, no more no less. Every process in this extraction is as simple or as complicated as you make it and makes a difference in the end. You could finish with a micron syringe at this step for example..this is the basics yea.

So you got your filtered iso wash, you wanna use no heat, to evap ..none..
If you don't know why go microwave quick dry some of that herb before you fresh freeze and taste it.
The slower you evap the more lighter compounds are
retained, which are flavorful. Vapor pressures increase non linearly with increased heat and the ratios of what's leaving get closer together.

When the solution is evaporating if you add a fan to speed it, you will notice a white ring appear around the dish. Its normal and when dry will just be oil. Fancy word for it is azeotrope. Its just the Iso and water in a happy little group evaporating together.

When the dish appears completely dry wait 4-6 hours then scrape. That kinda depends on the thickness. You want as thin a film as possible. 1 mason jar will do a pyrex nicely.If your scraping and its opaque and creamy or multicolored it may be under purged. Its easy to tell by look.

Iso is much easier to purge than butane

When you scrape, it should be powdery on your blade. You can press it with slight heat and get a clear shatter or more goop depending on genetics.

Never pull and snap or taffy. That's not cool

Early harvests are good

That's all I can think of.. so nobody should have any more questions for me :)
hey bro im relativly new to the proper ways of extraction

Why is pull and snap not cool?

Personal Pref, or?

If anyone else has input on that as well fill me in.

Ive heard it before that people do not prefer pull and snap so figured id ask

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