R.I.P. Silk Road! I can't believe it!!!

Is there a bigger abundance of H around lately? You never saw it around here at all until about a year ago. Now people are ODing pretty often. I guess it was only a matter of time, being the pill state and all.
Heroin use has risen right behind pharma opioid abuse. I don't know how people can pay pill prices for opioids.
Heroin use has risen right behind pharma opioid abuse. I don't know how people can pay pill prices for opioids.

It's crazy. When I was doing pills, an OC 80 was only about $30 at the most And we bitched about that. I hear of people paying $40+ for IR 30's now. Even with no tolerance, I'd have to do 5 of those to catch a buzz. $200? No thank you.
so the feds are saying $1.2 billion total in sales which got the owner $80 million in commission, but only $3 million seized ????
so the feds are saying $1.2 billion total in sales which got the owner $80 million in commission, but only $3 million seized ????
Sounds like cop math to me. Some never existed, some disappeared, it all balances out in the end right?
Even if it was $1.2B in sales it would still be a pretty small operation in the global scheme of things.
Sounds like cop math to me. Some never existed, some disappeared, it all balances out in the end right?
Even if it was $1.2B in sales it would still be a pretty small operation in the global scheme of things.

cop math, lmao, that's exactly what i was thinking too.. like that five plant bust, worth $30k.. :D
cop math, lmao, that's exactly what i was thinking too.. like that five plant bust, worth $30k.. :D
I heard some medical patients in CA got a court to rule they should be reimbursed cop value for their seized crop. Their lawyer found a cop testifying as an expert that a plant could yield a pound and an oz could go for $400. They got like $75k for 12 plants :)
yeah.. so i dont think you read the whole post or misunderstood it, No obviously he did not magically do anything. DPR was a half wit. He did extort money from every dealer and buyer on his site, though. Then got arrested by asking for help and using his real name. He stepped on toes, get it? He hid behind the internet and extorted from drug users and dealers by claming he had a secure site to do so. There is a word for guys like that, oh ya, a crook.
I heard some medical patients in CA got a court to rule they should be reimbursed cop value for their seized crop. Their lawyer found a cop testifying as an expert that a plant could yield a pound and an oz could go for $400. They got like $75k for 12 plants :)

the scary thing is that my super made up, off the top of my head, as crazy as i could come up with numbers, were pretty much dead on with cop math.. what's that say about me, idk, lol..
the scary thing is that my super made up, off the top of my head, as crazy as i could come up with numbers, were pretty much dead on with cop math.. what's that say about me, idk, lol..
That you've read too many articles about people getting busted and are familiar with the cost of drugs in their dream worlds?
I got that too, I never understood it. It's not entrapment for an undercover to lie about being an undercover.
I loved making eye contact with the dude that was insisting I was a cop as I made a buy from someone else, as if to say "this money could be yours idiot."
I got that too, I never understood it. It's not entrapment for an undercover to lie about being an undercover.
I loved making eye contact with the dude that was insisting I was a cop as I made a buy from someone else, as if to say "this money could be yours idiot."

and yeah, i never understood it either, like you said, it's so unheard of for the cops to lie to you..
Lol, You're not a cop are you!!!?? I hate that. Just because I'm a nerdy looking white guy I'm a cop.

I used to know a big ass scary dude that had some bug detector thing on his wall when you first walk in. It went off on me one time, and he flipped out and was about to kill me. Those things must not be accurate.
It wasn't even a drug related site!
Ocean county is on pace to have a 250-275% increase in OD deaths compared to last year and the upswing didn't start until April.
Prohibition totally is working guys!