R.I.P. Silk Road! I can't believe it!!!

i know this is for the USA but does anyone know of these sorts of site for the UK if so please mail me been trying to find such a site for a long time !!
For real I've done so many different drugs but acid, mescalin and dmt are really the only ones I haven't done that I wan't I haven't tried meth but it don't interest me at all cokes good but it wears off no way I'm trying to be up all night I love weed and dope the 2 best drugs god ever created.

You definitely need to try those 3. Lol. Those are the bees knees
Call me crazy, but I rather enjoyed the rush of going to hook up.. I had to go to the ghetto, and escaping cops and gunfire was part of the high! Damn kids had it easy with that SR if you ask me!

nothing fun about guns and coke on the same table. That was a reason I quit.
nothing fun about guns and coke on the same table. That was a reason I quit.

Can't stand guns. I feel uncomfortable just being around them. When someone is holding one or messing around with one, I'm always afraid they're gonna accidentally pop off a round in my face. I'm pro-gun and everything... just don't have them around me.
old friend of mine(in jail for murder..26 years) allways had a hand cannon on his coffee table..like a bouquet of flowers..yea he sold 20lbs of brick/midgrade weed at a time,but it allways sketched me out when I went to watch football or just to visit..I allways went in first to tell him to put it away when my fam came to have dinner ect..I guess that's the way he was..the guy he shot tho pulled a gun on him,and this crazy fucker took dudes gun and filled him up..I'm sad my friend isn't here now but fuck a thief...still,guns suck like a vaccume cleaner.
Canndo..also a reason I stopped with that girl..tweaked out paranoid people and instruments of death allways end in the same equations..lengthy jail time,hospitals,and death..fuck all three!!
Skuxx..I feel the same..guns are fun!! When used for just that..if you need a gun,you're not handleing things properly
Bluntmassa1...you haven't done drugs till you've done lsd.(not trying to be mr big nuts)..I know peeeps that can do an oz of blow,meth,bags of H..1 hit of acid will have them crying on the phone to their mother..try it and see..narcotics seem to me as 'childish' in my current life..try some real shit and see if you feel the same after..
No, you haven't done drugs until you've done LSD and 2C-B together. First time I tried that it was like... Shit, I've been doing acid all wrong for 20 years.
I love mixing acid with a lot of other drugs..ketamine being my favorite..perhaps nitrous being second,mdma 3rd and a runner up pcp..but herb allways :-D
I love mixing acid with a lot of other drugs..ketamine being my favorite..perhaps nitrous being second,mdma 3rd and a runner up pcp..but herb allways :-D

being on probation not being able to smoke...... trips were always missing something. Mdma plain sucks without some herb.

Never tried pcp... it's one of the last on the bucket list for me. tried 3-meo-pcp and it was a letdown compared to the reviews it has
Hahaha..I feel the same way about mdma..I won't eat any psychedelic without at least a half oz of herb on hnd..made that mistake when I was young..never again...
Pcp is a really fun drug..I hate that its been portrayed as the devil drug it isn't..I've smoked a whole pack of dippys before(I hate ciggarettes) and had no issues..other than I smelled like sherm from 20 feet away..lol..I wish pcp was more prevalent in the drug scene..id love to get a vial and set on it..
i think he would have been better off carrying a little baseball bat to destroy his laptop with him everywhere he went just incase the feds confronted him.
Yeah it seems like it since he didn't even close anything on the laptop. I wonder how exactly it went down.

And now they are saying he tried to set up murders on 6 people..... and he got scammed out of the money each time hahaha.
Getting his laptop while it was still running was probably a higher priority than him initially. He had nowhere to go but if he'd closed that their lives got much harder.
I'm not surprised that all the hits were scams or stings. Hiring a hitman seems like its pretty much always going to turn out that way if you're a part of a criminal organization.