Rabbit manure vs ewc


Hi guys I have access to store bought ewc or really good quality Rabbit manure. I know ewc is supposed to be superior but it's store bought so I'm sure it's on the lower end.

I plan to mix
1 part Coco,
1 part perlite
1 part either rabbit or ewc or maybe both

Amendment:- kelp, neem crab, volcanic minerals
Rabbit manure is fine to use fresh . I use a mix of manure. Rabbit,Chicken, duck. Horse and cow manure and fish fertilizer. The chicken and duck is used very minimal as it needs to be aged and still used in small amounts.
Two different things. Both are good when used properly.
Yes but the point I was trying to make is the ewc is store bought mass produced and probably low quality, where as the rabbits are fed alfalfa pellets so I'm assuming the quality is better
Store bought ewc is ok most times. The freshness may be superior if one is right from the source but the ingredients are different.
Hi guys I have access to store bought ewc or really good quality Rabbit manure. I know ewc is supposed to be superior but it's store bought so I'm sure it's on the lower end.

I plan to mix
1 part Coco,
1 part perlite
1 part either rabbit or ewc or maybe both

Amendment:- kelp, neem crab, volcanic minerals
Watch out for rabbit manures, has salt in thier manures✅
I haven't came across any salt issues from rabbit manure , and I haven't found anything online about it either . Now cows and horses on concentrated feed do have salts in their manure .
I've an acquaintance that shows his rabbits at the live stock rodeo. Googling is only the first step in gaining some knowledge about whatever. Nothing compares with actual experiences (trial n errors). I was told this by an expert.
Cool ✌️
I don't ever speak what I've read, investigate and experience then add my two cents LOL