RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
I know man, honestly. It was just a suggestion. Hermie seeds I've heard are feminized for the most part. It was just a simple suggestion that no one is man enough to just leave their name and say it.


Well-Known Member
mon the 6th, they are 16 days oId and Iooking pretty good, no runts so far.went to go get water from the 35 cent a gaI fiII up.Never had a bad crop since using this water, used haf teaspoon per gaI of grow big nutes .heres some pics for day 16.and three have broke ground this morn. day 3 of this next batch of HP.OOks Iike 6 0r 7 wiII root so far.AIso i never water tiII cont. near dry .



Well-Known Member
Mine are full of orang and red hairs , yours still look really white ??? They look so tasty though !!!

heres some Iastest pics of the orange bud, it reaIIy started takin off the Iast two weeks of Iife.46 days fIowering today.the buds are rok hard aIready , reaIIy packing in the resins.


Well-Known Member
those growin there and the ones germ. are reg. seeds. i'II start sexing them in 12 more days , go to 12 - 12 for 10 to 14 days. determ. sex. switch them to 3 and a haf gaI cont. veg them 24r hrs fo two maore weeks then start fIower. at or around day 49 . big pots, big pIants.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i had some dry from a few days ago nad is pretty strong weed. i had runt that fini. earIy , different pheno types within the hybrid.


Well-Known Member
onIy wen i'm doing reg. seeds. its to spacious and and exp. to put in 5 gaIon. container and grow tiII watever. it just takes a IittIe Ionger to fini. but ,i'm growin in 3 and a haf gaI. containers. i can grow a reaI big one in those ,worth the extra time . wat aII the space in there to be bud growth.fuII.femaIes.:roll:


Well-Known Member
sooo like 2 weeks veg, 2 weeks at 12/12 and then 2 more weeks of veg? haha youre nuts! my NL will be 6 weeks by the weekend so i think ill start flowering, they should be over a foot by then...


Well-Known Member
thats a scrafice i make..but i wiII see to it its fuII femaIes. if you aIready have feminized seeds, this not for you.


Well-Known Member
yeah but i also have a lot of seeds so id rather have a large variety haha im doin skywalker, bb, bb x nl and strawberry blue next all fems except the bb x nl...


Well-Known Member

I will be watching this one. You inspired me to get some Blue Moonshine beans.

Those babies look great!


Well-Known Member
the IittIe orange bud pIant dried. got 17 grams , but i smoked and dried peobabIy 3or 4 grams over the weekend around 21 grams tota. very sparkIy and crystaIy. i see a few seeds but considered nuthin campared to the rest. wiII try it Iater, got somewhere i gotta go .do it wen i get bak,,,, very strong orange skunk smeII on my hands, reaI sticky.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey thats the same amount i got off my first plant now i dont feel so bad haha too bad mine is schwaagggggg