RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
damn only 17 out of 30?? somethins wrong with them seeds. my sensi strains all sprouted fine 4/4... you get your money back for those or what?


Well-Known Member
iwrote sensi on the other 9 , i aint gonna woory about it, just wont buy from them anymore .the exact mix that brought those 9 bM seeds ,aII sprouted in the same mix and jug water .:neutral:


Well-Known Member
yeah thats weird man same with my pruple wreck seeds. same way ive done all my others and those were the only ones i had trouble with...


Well-Known Member
ive aIways growed with dutch passion. never probIem with nuthin.but i wiIi turn those 17 into somethin nice, hopefuIIy 8-10 femaIes.


Well-Known Member
yeah you should still get a nice crop outta those. im hoping i get at least 6/10 female since i already know 3 are fem seeds and 9 will fit perfect for flowering haha


Well-Known Member
wen the sensi seeds were coming up, i couId teII that they were oId seeds by the way a new seed comes up.the dutch passion seeds were coIorfuI ,fast . maybe its the strain, i dont know.i just wont buy sensi no more, not at those prices.


Well-Known Member
well shit mine look fine for now. the NL at least idk about the cali indicas theyre kinda small and scrawny then again those were like 1/3 the price of the NL haha. one of em is way taller tho and one is real short and bushy think i might have a male and female...

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
sucks you only got 17 up. i ordered from dr, one strain sensi that never arrived . he then sent me ed rosenthal super bud and i sure hope i get more than 7 up. them beans are spendy.

also got new pics in my grow.


Well-Known Member
got everything under 600 watts ,the 9 in the bak are bIuemoonshine seedIings pIants growing fast, those 11 are the G13 HP. seeds , and the 6 0n the bottom are just sensi hashpIant seeds.G13 are on thier 18 day today and the HP. are on thier 5 th day.........oops scroII down..


Well-Known Member
wow things r lookin great raider

glad 2 c everything is going good 4 u

just thought i thought i stop by 2 say whats up


Well-Known Member
I seen you was telling someone that you are gonaa take a break after this next grow ?? I would say that after this grow you should have plenty to take a couple months off !!


Well-Known Member
i'II be through Iate dec. then thats wen it starts getting coId here. hope to have 2 pounds going into hibernation,haha.


Well-Known Member
hibernation hahaha damn so you mean too cold in winter?? mine should be perfect then just too hot to grow in summer i think


Well-Known Member
Aiso today i transpIanted the HP seedIing pIants into 5" container tiII sex is determ. for three more weeks. wiII go into FIowering in 10 days to determined sex ,then transp. to 3 and a haf gaI. cont . femaIes that is.