It is not exactly hatred. Hatred is a tool of the feeble minded. Dislike, hell yeah. When a political party or view threatens my way of life, I am certainly not predisposed to like it/them. To say I actually hate them, is extremely strong rhetoric. From my viewpoint, while watching the teabaggers riot /assemble, my opinion was they were extremely agitated and thus extremely stupid. I actually know one of these idiotic teabaggers, my friends brother. I tried to have a conversation with him and he started screaming at me, calling me a commie etc. Now If I hadn't been a level headed dude, I'd have probably stomped a mudhole in his ass, I didn't, more out of respect for my friend who was there also. I said to my friend, look, if you don't want your brother getting hurt, I'd suggest you calm him down, which he did. That's when I found out how off their rocker these dudes were. That's the same way the righties conduct conversations, Like as in "Fuck you you commie bastard, I hope you and your kind rot in hell". My kind? They have no knowledge or interest in what my kind actually is. In fact, I actually agree with some of the rights agenda. Example: Illegal aliens. They dislike them except when they need to hire cheap labor, hypocracy at it's finest. I agree that government should not spend more than they take in. SS, could be saved by actually removing the cap on SS deductions, now that is against the righties stance, eh? Make more pay more, what say you?