Random Fuckery

Wow I just scared shit out of some lady on the way to 7-11. It was hilarious. I was running across the street and looking down the street, and I didn't realize I was running right at her. She screamed and ran off. I laughed for like 10 minutes.
hahahahahahahah that shit is hella funny...
Wow I just scared shit out of some lady on the way to 7-11. It was hilarious. I was running across the street and looking down the street, and I didn't realize I was running right at her. She screamed and ran off. I laughed for like 10 minutes.

lmao........ well be lucky that the boys did'nt get confused and slam your ass and throw you in county......
OMG! I have all of them downloaded.

"So I cut his wrist...VERTICALLY! He laying on the ground dyin, makin' a scene and shit!"

My favorite line is "Bitch you ain't no nerd? I coulda swore you was."
HaAHHAHHA you are the first person Ive talked to that has watched them all...

I was feelin a lil weird for a moment
So do I...I dont know if it was the pills....or me watching that video. Im cunfused....But feel great!!
I dunno...his sense of humor is weird...

Who is this nigga in this picture? Im not tryin to deal with no other niggas...

But thats my brother...

Bitch...I aint tryin to deal with no other nigga... Bitch thats a mistake...

Listen cunt.... today aint your lucky day...

That dudes classic...sick humor but I love it.