Well-Known Member
Chiropractor maybe....during my tennis day I used them alot...worked for the most part...
Did it....before and after accident. Still nothing like inversion and I'm not doing surgery.
Chiropractor maybe....during my tennis day I used them alot...worked for the most part...
Did it....before and after accident. Still nothing like inversion and I'm not doing surgery.
Not to mention vertebral artery dissections and treatment fractures.Did it....before and after accident. Still nothing like inversion and I'm not doing surgery.
Only if it gets real bad, but for me I would look into adding chiropractic treatment and massage therapy and inversion
Thanks man, but I did it....I know. Someone was not paying attention and hit me at about 45.....broke 3 vert and damaged 2 disks.....I'm very happy that was all that happened in the situation we where in. It could have been much worse and definetly changed my life.
It's all good, just trying to help if I can
Thanks bud. It was 8 years ago now.
Just bought a house a year or so before and my wife was 4 months prego....all good you play the cards you are dealt. You make it work out if you want it.
Funny now it feels harder...just makin it work.
Gotta do, whatcha gotta right, just keep your options open...
I have not, I was looking at some used ones for awhile.
Yeah did massage and then adjustment for a while. Like 3 days a week PT for another 2.
Massage therapy is not as awesome as you might think if your muscles are locked like rocks.
I exploded a disk and couldn't walk so surgery was my only option. I was eating percoset like candy and it did nothing. I would roll out of the bed and crawl to the couch. My daughter would bring me food. Dr. said 2 hrs for surgery, 4 hrs later he finished. I walked out of the hospital after a day. I've had shots 3 times, one time it made a difference. My spinal cord was pink from a piece of disk rubbing on it. I have permanent nerve damage, mostly in my right leg, my calf atrophied and the bottoms of my feet are mostly numb. I do what I can do now even if I have to rest after 15 minutes.I don't see surgery as good. Shots not good also. Not for me.
I exploded a disk and couldn't walk so surgery was my only option. I was eating percoset like candy and it did nothing. I would roll out of the bed and crawl to the couch. My daughter would bring me food. Dr. said 2 hrs for surgery, 4 hrs later he finished. I walked out of the hospital after a day. I've had shots 3 times, one time it made a difference. My spinal cord was pink from a piece of disk rubbing on it. I have permanent nerve damage, mostly in my right leg, my calf atrophied and the bottoms of my feet are mostly numb. I do what I can do now even if I have to rest after 15 minutes.
1999, once I had surgery I quit the meds, and being in the military at the time their answer is 800 mg motren and flexeril, neither of which helps. It kept me from going to the desert one last time, I didn't think I could drag the chemgear so I didn't go.That sucks raratt. How long ago was that?
I have two ruptured disks......I was told I was to young for surgery at the time. This was going on https://www.cdc.gov/hai/outbreaks/meningitis.html so shots where not something I wanted. I was prescribed so many different pain meds and muscle relaxers it was disgusting. They helped with the initial pain but I wanted to get away from them as fast as I could......I know I mentioned about close friends od deaths........this was right around that time also.
Cuz teles are better.View attachment 4632900
Told the wife I would play this one... But my hands are usually too clammy to play it with its gloss neck.
Somehow I've moved over to teles