Random Jabber Jibber thread

Emergency alert was sent out this morning... evacuations in my town. Fortunately for me, I'm on the other side of town. There are fires on the other side of us in Santa Cruz. If the fire comes south west, my sister will have to evacuate. I'm a mile or so from her but probably wouldn't have to evacuate.

STAY safe! @Singlemalt and @raratt you guys too

@Aeroknow are you ok? How are you holding bud?
Oh no, no fires that close. This is all smoke drift from a few fires north-west of me; closest is 20 mi. Check that map @raratt posted and it shows the wind drift. I'm in the Salinas river valley and it's close ended so it's just filling up with smoke

We've had a change in the wind. Not nearly as much smoke as yesterday. It's still "orange" out and the smell of smoke is prominent but it's not layered on the streets like fog, like it was yesterday.
Stay in side, if you go out wear a mask

My house is surrounded by farm land mostly. Almond and walnut orchards and some wet rice fields. The pastures nearby have been grazed down to a manageable level if a fire were to break out there. I think we are pretty safe. Thanks for the concern though.:hug:
The town where we lived in the interior was mandatorily evacuated by a monster fire years ago - we left so fast we forgot shoes for a couple of the kids. I remember the last thing I did was to climb on the roof to nail sprinklers up there & seeing flames well over 100' high as the black spruce trees literally blew up!
What happened to your truck?
I unscrewed the fuel line from where it goes into the fuel filter (didn’t change out the filter as it was WAY down in there) and turned the key over until what came out was no longer red (was kind of afraid it was going to burn up my starter, but it didn’t flow out when only the battery was on). Filled it up completely and dare I say it runs better now haha I can’t hear that rod knocking anymore.
Possible from the roof maybe, but easily from the upstairs deck, which you would have to clear while jumping about 20 feet to the pool, if you jumped from the roof. Have you been to Cape Breton?
Hah, no. It looks identical to a buddy's house in San Diego he sold over 20 years ago. It took up the backyard, was fenced and had that diving board I cracked my head on. But we could get on his roof and jump into the pool.