Random Jabber Jibber thread

i got my physical green card after 5 FUCKING YEARS of bureaucratic fucking bullshit yesterday.
5long stressful almost marriage ending years.

It feels so free, they really fucked me over though, I cant imagine how many other immigrants are having similar issues (im sure in thethousands) who cant readenglish, dont have access to what i had, and are struggling.

the entire immigration system is a dumpster fire. and should fucking rehauled.

they lost i would say almost all my paperwork, including ....my biometerics done on a computer that sends directly to the FBI ...you watch the man doing it he shows you when its sent.if i could give a yelp review lol
i got my physical green card after 5 FUCKING YEARS of bureaucratic fucking bullshit yesterday.
5long stressful almost marriage ending years.

It feels so free, they really fucked me over though, I cant imagine how many other immigrants are having similar issues (im sure in thethousands) who cant readenglish, dont have access to what i had, and are struggling.

the entire immigration system is a dumpster fire. and should fucking rehauled.

they lost i would say almost all my paperwork, including ....my biometerics done on a computer that sends directly to the FBI ...you watch the man doing it he shows you when its sent.if i could give a yelp review lol
Holy shit! Congratulations!!!

I know that gives you more freedom than most people realize. That’s like...the best birthday present ever. Fuckin hell yeAh girl!!!
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i got my physical green card after 5 FUCKING YEARS of bureaucratic fucking bullshit yesterday.
5long stressful almost marriage ending years.

It feels so free, they really fucked me over though, I cant imagine how many other immigrants are having similar issues (im sure in thethousands) who cant readenglish, dont have access to what i had, and are struggling.

the entire immigration system is a dumpster fire. and should fucking rehauled.

they lost i would say almost all my paperwork, including ....my biometerics done on a computer that sends directly to the FBI ...you watch the man doing it he shows you when its sent.if i could give a yelp review lol
Yeah the system is fucked up. They gave my son and his wife all kinds of shit, losing everything.
Yeah the system is fucked up. They gave my son and his wife all kinds of shit, losing everything.
My cousin married a bloke from North Carolina and tried for years to get a Green card. They got married over there had a child there still no deal. The kid ended up autistic and they moved here for our health system. He like's it here but she really wanted to stay, she did a exchange student thing in high school and went back to do college in the US and loved the place. Kinda lucky though they had 2 more kids all autistic (3 sersiously 3 autistic kids different levels) lunch at there place is crazy and I dont know how they do it tbh, hectic
My cousin married a bloke from North Carolina and tried for years to get a Green card. They got married over there had a child there still no deal. The kid ended up autistic and they moved here for our health system. He like's it here but she really wanted to stay, she did a exchange student thing in high school and went back to do college in the US and loved the place. Kinda lucky though they had 2 more kids all autistic (3 sersiously 3 autistic kids different levels) lunch at there place is crazy and I dont know how they do it tbh, hectic
That's so sad and so angering at the same time. I'm sorry and I hope the children do better there than they would fare here.
I think I somehow developed an immunity from it. When I was little another kid and myself were playing on a hill above a park that was covered in it. I had it pretty much everywhere. Since then I am not really affected, however I don't push my luck with it either.
Not me or my kids. I and they are quite sensitive.
Back when we were all together, ex bought some Barbados sheep. No shearing. Those critters ate all the poison oak to death on our 3.6 acres. Major win.
anyone here any good with car AC's? The crusty Beemer runs decent enough still i want to get my ac working again. Lines hold pressure, it pushes air and sounds like a carpet stuck in a vacuum. Whats the dealio? Heater works great though. Too bad its 90 outside