Random Jabber Jibber thread

So, it's smoky as hell here in the west and I'm wondering ..... It looks like it's overcast but it's smoke, small particles of ash falling, and the sun looks red. Wonder if that helps with outdoor flowering plants? It should but I don't grow outdoors so don't have a clue.
Big orange ball in the sky this morning, fortunately it hasn't dropped and filled the valley, yet. Supposed to get a north wind soon that will drop humidity and fan the flames. :( Mornin.

PG&E called and said Power will be shut off at midnight tonight till Wed am. depending on duration of winds.

Ive been wanting to clean the driveway of leaves and needles, may as well wait.
I thought we were bad at 115.

Actually, from what iv'e heard the high was 122 in the Canoga Park part of the SFV. Record high they say for the valley.
In the NoHo part of the valley where I'm at the high got to 113 this Sunday, 111 Saturday. On top of that we had 5 power outages.
1 for 20 seconds, next one was 1 hour, then the next 9 hours, and then 6 hours and top it off for a 4 hour
outage. The hottest weekend the whole year and the largest municipality in the nation puts us Los Angeles folks and animals
in a total state of misery to say the least. Counted at least 40 outages in parts of LA on the LADWP power outage map Saturday alone. Can't imagine
how many on Sunday. LADWP completely rapes all customers with exorbitant rates making big money like mad and they
don't update the extremely outdated grids. Go figure. Lived here all my life and LA is so fucked up in so many ways it's incomprehensible.
Why haven't I moved? Never a dull moment in LA cause there's always a ton of shit to do here otherwise and I might add there's always gorgeous women everywhere and I mean everywhere...all day and all night! Take the good with the bad they say...
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