Random Jabber Jibber thread

Did he run the Wienernationals?

He did. It was 2 heats. He smashed the 1st race, no problem. 2nd race not so much. Turns out he had to pee. Right after the race he went and peed and was all spit and vinegar again. Too late buddy races are done.
We raced him in a few other races during October fest. He always won at least one or 2 heats but never top spot.


If you're like me (probably not), you are going to have some xmas tunes playlist in the background as you are strolling about the house contemplating whether or not to kill yourself this year. Not sure if this will help or hurt, but I found a Pentatonix xmas playlist that may aid in your decision. If it makes you feel more joyful and you decide on sticking it out, you're welcome. If it makes you feel more dismal and depressed, for god's sake, turn it off and remember I'm not a medical professional and bear no responsibility for your actions. Enjoy!

It only works as a playlist if you view it on YT...

@Laughing Grass

I was listening to them last night

In the ever increasing madness that is Covid I went to the commissary yesterday. The manager came out and started screaming at me, that I couldn't enter the commissary wearing a respirator. He was not wearing a mask and he was screaming, spittle and all. I put a mask over my respirator and proceeded to shop. Unfortunately maskless, Covid Mary did not confront me. I was going to suggest he call the Security Police and start filming.
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Those respirators are extremely uncomfortable I wore one while tearing up the basement ceiling
It was extremely not pleasant
We used to take "sun breaks" and head up into the foothills to help our attitudes. I've seen it stick around for months.
While making one of many trips moving my shit from stockton up to Paradise in my cargo trailer on a very foggy morning. Me and Rudy were on the 70 past Marysville, traffic just stopped. Took a while to get up to the scene of an accident. Poor motorcyclist was mangled up into the back of a big rig. They had a blanket just barely covering his body.
While making one of many trips moving my shit from stockton up to Paradise in my cargo trailer on a very foggy morning. Me and Rudy were on the 70 just past Marysville, traffic just stopped. Took about a while to get up to the scene of an accident. Poor motorcyclist was mangled up into the back of a big rig. They had a blanket just barely wcovering his body.
I’m sorry you saw that brother.
I’m sorry you saw that brother.
:hug: Thanks.

the worst one I seen was in San Jose. I was a little late to work when traffic came to a halt. I was fucking pissed I was gonna be late. Turns out i wasn’t far behind the accident. Dude was mangled bad. Heard on the radio a little while later what happened. A woman on the side of the freeway (fast lane) was broken down. A dude stopped and got out to help her and got hit. That was the worse one that I vividly remember. Was horrible and I remember feeling horrible about feeling pissed on the way up to it.
CHRISTMAS new tradition. We do whatever tf we want. Damnit we’re old enough to be able to stay home with our kids and get EXTREMELY high on my gorgeous friend’s snow temple. Thank you Annie, you rock. She grew it, I think she’ll be keeping that job.

We’re compromising on the Christmas music. We’ve been together 11 years now:shock: and I’ve learned a thing or two.

Listen quick cause Elvis is coming up next here!

:hug: Thanks.

the worst one I seen was in San Jose. I was a little late to work when traffic came to a halt. I was fucking pissed I was gonna be late. Turns out i wasn’t far behind the accident. Dude was mangled bad. Heard on the radio a little while later what happened. A woman on the side of the freeway (fast lane) was broken down. A dude stopped and got out to help her and got hit. That was the worse one that I vividly remember. Was horrible and I remember feeling horrible about feeling pissed on the way up to it.
Oh damn

I’ve got cptsd from some horrible things I’ve witnessed. I’ve had emdr therapy which worked amazingly well.

Stay home and don’t drive anywhere