Random Jabber Jibber thread

Eh, play around with opiates benzos and cb agonists

A lot funner than tripping imo

Speaking of
You ever try racemorphan?

a lot funner then tripping?

have you delved deep into tripping beyond a disociative point of view?

sorry I am a mod on psyc forum so this type of thing irks me

plz explsind homie
imo trippin can evoke all emotions including the feeling of racing on coke,

if you take a dip into the dnb scene aroundi here it seems to be very coke and lsd heavy with some kids doing k or meth
imo its a perfect mix that is happening but I dont do drugs myself. \

I do dance a lot at raves and occasionally suck a dick or three
have you delved deep into tripping beyond a disociative point of view?
Sure but if you remember dissociatives are my fav.
And I hate any amphetamine.

sorry I am a mod
You forget who your talking to? We've talked about this several times

tripping was a poor choice of words. As you can trip plenty hard on the mentioned racemorphan though yes it is again a dissociative

I meant the classic rcs you brought up. But of course with twists and pulls the building blocks matter less and less. So I can't call out specific classes
Sure but if you remember dissociatives are my fav.
And I hate any amphetamine.

You forget who your talking to? We've talked about this several times

tripping was a poor choice of words. As you can trip plenty hard on the mentioned racemorphan though yes it is again a dissociative

I meant the classic rcs you brought up. But of course with twists and pulls the building blocks matter less and less. So I can't call out specific classes
your right tripping was the wrong words but you understood what I meant full well.

meow you do hate me eh

sad we had such a good time dating.

ill still love you always sweety
so this homie is making sf feel bad in text message format.

sf may cry lel not really but this nigg is trippin hard.

apparenlt i chop to his sis, i dont even know the names he be saying.

sf gunna smack a bitch cuz like i dont even know what drugs are
just die sf die die die

sf kills self ina solemn matter and his last post was beautiful

incoming best message ever babyies
it twas o baby it will be.
all you need is ron

shall i upload ron me getting fuckboi?

yall niggas on that pill shit

jesus get on that boy toy

No that was actually for a legitamite question. Regarding insomnia travel and the difference between benzos specifically between ativan and valium
To someone with an aversion to rx bit doesn't dolerate antihistamines

In a maybe monthly use
No that was actually for a legitamite question. Regarding insomnia travel and the difference between benzos specifically between ativan and valium
To someone with an aversion to rx bit doesn't dolerate antihistamines

In a maybe monthly use
my bad for interpreting that wrong.

fam I ain\t got noting against you.

I stand firm dxm is a dissociative and nothing like a real psyc

what we talking bout brobro?