Random Jabber Jibber thread

The new chicks have all left the nest.

Junior looks like the papa, it will be hard to tell, on sight, which one is which in a few weeks.


#3 with papa watching in the background.

And then there were 9.

From Birdman of Alcatraz.

@xtsho This is a movie that has an allstar cast, good acting and personal/emotional content. You may like it, it has no CGI.
How are you doing? Other than the jerkwads you have to deal with. Haven't seen you on here for awhile, that may be a good thing however.
im mostly doing back workon riu , advertisers etc so im online everyday im just working not much time for chatting
its also market season for my small business so thats been exhausting

doing well though otherwise trying to enjoy summer you?
Once a year, free, lots of info.

Here's some other links for free reports on you.
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im mostly doing back workon riu , advertisers etc so im online everyday im just working not much time for chatting
its also market season for my small business so thats been exhausting

doing well though otherwise trying to enjoy summer you?
I'm doing ok, still moving. Hiding from the heat when it happens, which will be quite often now. Trying to get the kitchen ready for new cabinets.