Random Jabber Jibber thread


For those that don't know much about Bovines ie: Cows/Bulls and even Bison this is for you.
If you are not sure where baby cows come from, here is a Cows nest. As you can see the eggs in this particular nest are all white. Now white eggs generally mean that the cow being born will either be a beef cow or a dairy cow that will only produce white milk. But if the eggs are brown (Which is more rare) you will end up with a cow that is used solely for the production of chocolate milk.
This was fished out of a dutch sea yesterday by shrimp fishers



Represents freedom and independence, originally from a people enslaved (and shaved bald) by Romans.

In the 17th century some Dutch ships had these on statues of warriors, after regaining independence from Spain.

It's been used throughout history and is still on:


And who in Europe didn't grow up with the Smurfs:

The chicks in this neck of the woods are brutal.

I just found out that a world class bare knuckle champ hales from Bedford Va.
A few miles down the road.

Britain Hart Beltran
View attachment 5174086

Britain Hart has the arm sleeve tattoo.

Cum for the boobies, stay for the real fighters.

These women are super-skilled, sexy beasts. I didn't even know bare knuckle was a legal thing... brutal. 49-46, unanimously? I don't know about that, Paige really came alive in the 5th. I'm gonna check out more of this organization, good post. Btw, did you see Nunes beat the shit out of Pena a couple days ago in the UFC? Amazing fight. I think Pena lost a couple pints of blood in that match. The Lioness is back!

These women are super-skilled, sexy beasts. I didn't even know bare knuckle was a legal thing... brutal. 49-46, unanimously? I don't know about that, Paige really came alive in the 5th. I'm gonna check out more of this organization, good post. Btw, did you see Nunes beat the shit out of Pena a couple days ago in the UFC? Amazing fight. I think Pena lost a couple pints of blood in that match. The Lioness is back!

Did you see that american i think howard? w/ the KO body shot punch? Post the vid pls. I just got internet now have to compute up