Random Jabber Jibber thread

I have mixed feelings about this.
It's cool an old lake reappeared, but sad that it caused so much chaos.
My grandmother said that when she was a little girl the valley had lakes and streams everywhere, so vastly different than it is now.

Oh hey, happy easter everyone! Just smoked a bowl and took a shower and it felt wonderful.
It's got an interesting history.

Not even if I had the munchies.
Wagging Finger Saying No animated emoticon

Got the lemon trees, pineapple, nopali cactus and strawberries outside and sprayed with spinosad. Had to bring all but berries back in. Is bug season and almost growing season. Be ware this false heat wave.

"Today is National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day and is different and separate from National POW/MIA Recognition Day. It was officially designated by Congress in 1988, Public Law 100-269 [Sen J Res 253 100th Congress]. as a Presidentially-proclaimed observance and commemorates the April 9, 1942 surrender of approximately 10,000 United States military personnel and 65,000 Filipino soldiers on the Bataan Peninsula in the Philippines by Major General Edward P. King to the invading Imperial Japanese Army headed by General Masaharu Homma.

Bataan was the largest mass surrender in United States military history. The surrender was followed immediately by the infamous Bataan Death March. Although this remembrance day is for all who were POWs, it is most associated with those who were POWs of Imperial Japan during WWII.

The Philippine nation marks "Araw ng Kagitingan" (Day of Valor) on April 9 of every year to highlight the valor and heroism of the Filipino and American soldiers who fought in the Philippines during World War II."

My grandfather was one of those soldiers. I know you know this already @BarnBuster but not only was he marched, he did it while wounded. He got shot down. Took friendly fire. While held up in a tunnel for a few days he got a blood transfusion from a Filipino nurse(male). And then survived the brutal death march to then be held captive for the whole rest of the war. Crazy shit. Thanks for the reminder!
I am pretty lucky to have been born
My grandfather was one of those soldiers. I know you know this already @BarnBuster but not only was he marched, he did it while wounded. He got shot down. Took friendly fire. While held up in a tunnel for a few days he got a blood transfusion from a Filipino nurse(male). And then survived the brutal death march to then be held captive for the whole rest of the war. Crazy shit. Thanks for the reminder!
I am pretty lucky to have been born
Was he perhaps in the tunnels of Corregidor when he was treated? I was inside that maze in the 50's, it was General Macarthur's H/Q, hospital, fuel & ammo depot + a lot of other stuff.
All the bullet divets in them (and everywhere else) were unbelievable.

Was he perhaps in the tunnels of Corregidor when he was treated? I was inside that maze in the 50's, it was General Macarthur's H/Q, hospital, fuel & ammo depot + a lot of other stuff.
All the bullet divets in them (and everywhere else) were unbelievable.

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He was shot down over Corregidor, also shot by friendly fire there. Was part of that campaign. I’m not sure exactly about the tunnels though. I had posted some pictures on here back around when I found his canteen online, with the help of @BarnBuster, of a trip my cousin took there and took a picture of the tunnel he think was where they were held up in.
I wish my Grandpa was still around of course. I have so many questions i’d ask him if he was. I grew up less than a mile a way from him and my Grandma. I didn’t ask him anything about it when I was younger. Word is he didn’t like talking about that stuff back then too though.

this one
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Was he perhaps in the tunnels of Corregidor when he was treated? I was inside that maze in the 50's, it was General Macarthur's H/Q, hospital, fuel & ammo depot + a lot of other stuff.
All the bullet divets in them (and everywhere else) were unbelievable.

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Hey bro.

so i did a little googling after posting last night and it seems like all those tunnels are connected? Crazy. He was in those tunnels for like 10 days until they surrendered. When he got shot i’m not so sure but he got a blood transfusion from a nurse in there before they got captured and marched.
my cousins ol lady is filipino so it was a no brainer for him to go there
Lol - being appropriately dosed this sounds like a great idea.
Too much would be mental overload.

Eleven volunteers were dispatched to meet the disoriented party and walk them down the fell, where the team medic gave them advice “regarding the timing of their onward travel” – in other words, how long it would take before the mushrooms were out of the driver’s system.

It was Keswick mountain rescue’s 24th rescue of 2023 and took two hours.
Mountain Rescue England and Wales, which is funded entirely by donations, prides itself on not judging those it helps, regardless of the cause of their distress.

Hiking animated emoticon
