Random Jabber Jibber thread


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I was working on a brick of coco. I was working some of the hydrated stuff off the brick brushing my fingers across the brick and my finger popped
Pull it straight and tape it to the other finger for a day, if it hurts, and don't rush hydrating your coco!! I hate that. I have to put in far more moisture than I think I need then I use a hand held hoe to break it and a large garden knife.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Pull it straight and tape it to the other finger for a day, if it hurts, and don't rush hydrating your coco!! I hate that. I have to put in far more moisture than I think I need then I use a hand held hoe to break it and a large garden knife.
holy shit don't recommend a knife, or we'll all be learning how to do emergency stitches with fishing line....