Random Jabber Jibber thread

These things are like crack. Well i assume they are like crack as I've never smoked crack. What I'm try to say is that they're really hard to stay out of.
Couple other flavors but this one is my favorite. Probably 10 bags in this winter. Must be lots of fiber because i can barely make a cup of coffee before i have to shit in the am.

These things are like crack. Well i assume they are like crack as I've never smoked crack. What I'm try to say is that they're really hard to stay out of.
Couple other flavors but this one is my favorite. Probably 10 bags in this winter. Must be lots of fiber because i can barely make a cup of coffee before i have to shit in the am.

View attachment 4290620
throw that apple and cherry bullshit out, add some salt, and you might have something.....
There is no polite way of spitting out the skins. I'm a lady. I save the spitting of skins for the ball park and then it's a competition between roasted peanuts and sunflower seeds.
I know someone who eats peanuts and sunflower seeds whole, shells and all. He thinks it's too much work to shell them for what you get. He swore it wasn't that bad so I tried it once :spew: I remind him every time I see him do it how disturbing I find it.
I prefer un salted nuts.

But seriously, no salt on my peanuts, cashews, etc. One of the very few times I'll hold the salt.
I don;t know if it is a thing over there... here they sell peanuts with raisins or without.
you can get it, but it's not hugely popular. dry roasted are big, no sure if they do that there, very salty, and changes the taste slightly...i can't eat peanuts anymore, they make me sicker than ten dogs, but i used to love dry roasted peanuts and m&ms together...peanut m&ms aren't salty, the dry roasted peanuts with the chocolate....not better than sex...but pretty close
you can get it, but it's not hugely popular. dry roasted are big, no sure if they do that there, very salty, and changes the taste slightly...i can't eat peanuts anymore, they make me sicker than ten dogs, but i used to love dry roasted peanuts and m&ms together...peanut m&ms aren't salty, the dry roasted peanuts with the chocolate....not better than sex...but pretty close
I had to cut way back on eating them because of my crohns. I love roasted peanuts but they'll put me in a world of pain if I eat too many, which is what I always eat.

I used to buy them in a huge burlap sack for work when I was at the machine shop. Everyone ate them and we would throw the shells on the floor, then sweep up at the end of the day. The floor looked awesome after a few weeks of doing this, walking on the shells was scrubbing the concrete keeping the coolant residue from building up, no more sticky floors and no more weekly moping. Win - win! Then one of the corporate asshats came through and thought it looked dirty and didn't like us eating around the "toxic" coolant, so that came to an end.
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