Random Jabber Jibber thread

No cable, wifi or cable phone for 12 hours here now. Comcast blows.

430 customers out from a water soaked node that should take 2 hrs to fix.

Fix time went from 4:53PM to 8:44PM to now 12:35AM.

Why am I seeing a 3 hour 51 minute pattern there?

Did I mention Comcast blows?

I meant fucking Comcast fucking blows.
A few years ago, might have been 10 I've lost time, they were advertising they if you had service outage and reported it they would credit your account for the time it was out. I tried getting credit for not having it for 2 days this past winter and they were all "Oh, we don't do that anymore, so sorry"

:finger:Comcast. If it wasn't for the fact my roommate is a TV junkie and pays the bill, I woulda dropped them years ago.